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It's been a long 3 days of traveling, Im just thankful for our horse. He did all the heavy lifting by carrying our stuff on his back. I don't think I can ever repay him. Anyways as me and my family entered the village people started to stare, the girls closer to my age glared at me and the boys looked like they wanted to eat me...I don't like it here.

We walk further in until out comes a couple followed by 3 men, 1 women and 1 boy. I looked over at my mother to see her smiling at the woman of the couple. As we came to a stop my mother kept going and before I knew it she was hugging her.

"Oh Ester it's so good to see you. What it's been like 10 moons!" Astrid exclaimed and she pulled back but they still had their arms wrapped around each other.

The woman, Ester smiled back and she looked my mother up and down, "It has and you look wonderful my dear," she then turned and looked at me, and they way she looked at me was like she was looking at her own child.

She beckoned me closer as she let go of my mother "come here child let me see you." She spoke with love.

I of course listened and walked over to her but started to look around and saw that everyone was looking at me, which made me falter in my steps, which showed me to be weak and I will never show someone I'm weak, it would get me killed.

She gently grabbed my face and turned it back towards her "your focus is here, don't let whatever anyone else is doing distract you, you understand?"

I nod and she removes her hands and looks me up and down as well. Ester smiled brightly "you are so gorgeous my dear, absolutely gorgeous." She exclaimed.

I couldn't help but smile and look away as I felt the heat rise to my cheeks, after a few seconds I looked back up at her then turned to her partner, time to make a good first impression, "I wanted to say thank you to both of you for inviting us to your home and sharing it with me along with this wonderful gift you have given me in form of Elijah. I promise I won't let you down."

They both smiled, looked at each other then looked back before the man started to speak. "Your are welcome child, we are happy that we found a young girl like yourself for Elijah"

I bow my head slightly showing him my thanks before I was turned towards their children. "Now dear I want you to tell me, do you see Elijah over there?" Ester spoke softly as she had her hands on my shoulders.

When I looked over there was only 3 possibilities. I looked at each one individually. The first one, he does have the black hair that Elijah has, he looks sure of himself and he is older then me but I don't feel the connection, it's not number one.

Number 2 has golden hair, he looks like he would cause some trouble but likes to have fun, their is no connection not one. Not number 2.

Now number 3 has the same black hair but it's not as dark as number 1, now he looked like he would want to stay indoors and read a book. Also no connection. Not number 3.

I looked around confused before looking back at Ester "Where is he? Has something happened to him?" For some reason I was worried about someone I haven't even met yet.

Ester laughed a tiny bit and shook her head "no child, he is perfectly fine. He is out hunting for tonight's dinner which we would like to invite you over to enjoy with us." She explained softly.

I nod and except. I turn back to my mother with a smile "you hear that mother, we are invited to dinner!" I exclaimed while I look to father who is shaking his head, "Kara I think you misunderstood Ester, only you are invited to feast with them."

Oh. Well now I'm sad, my mother and father won't join me for dinner tonight at my new family's house. I guess that makes sense in some way. I nod at my father who is standing with his arms behind his back.

Ester smiled while she looked at my mother "we have a hut set up for the 2 of you, Kara will be staying with us so she can get used to how things work around here."

My mother and father nodded "that's understandable, now Kara we will bring your stuff over later before dinner, you behave."

What was happening, it was happening so fast. I am supposed to stay with mother and father until I became a woman, I'm not a woman yet. I look around confused and felt like crying, "I'm supposed to stay with mother and father until I'm a woman... I-I'm not a woman yet." I explained to Ester with urgency in my voice.

I look back at the siblings of Elijah and I can see that all of them have sympathy for me. It's not everyday you are forced to stay someplace new while your mother and father are around.

Ester sighed and kneeled down to my height, "dear child, I know this is a big change but this is your home now, Elijah will be home shortly and then you two can meet. You'll be safe here I promise you that. Now come let me introduce you to your new brothers and sister." She gently took my hand and draped an arm around my shoulder as she walked me over to the first man in line.

"This here is Finn, he is your oldest brother, he is very handy with many skills. If you ever need help you can go to him." Ester explained.

I look up at Finn who bowed his head slightly before looking down at me "it's a pleasure to meet you Kara and I'm very eager for the day you become family."

He was nice and seemed very trusting.

Next in line was the boy with golden hair. "Next is Niklaus. He is the first born after Elijah. He is a kind soul and will also help you if your in need"

I nod at Esters words as Niklaus kneels down to my level and takes my hands. "I hear you know how to make some of the best paints around. I myself enjoy the art. Hopefully we can paint together some time."

I nod as I gently squeeze his hand to show him my gratitude without speaking. Ester bring me over to the last man.

"This is Kol, he is one of my helpers. If you need him he is mostly reading, or gather herbs"

Kol looks down at me with a half smile "I've heard you know how to garden. I can't wait to show you ours." I nod with a smile.

This goes on for the last two where I meet my older sister Rebekah and Henrik who is a few moons older then me. Rebekah is gorgeous, I think she prettier then me.

Anyways now Finn is showing me my new room which I will be sharing with Elijah. I don't like how fast this is moving.

Finn is about the leave when and gently grab his hand making him turn around and kneel down "Yes Kara?"

I look around as I feel myself getting nervous. "Is there any other room that I can sleep in... the beds are right next to each other. Can you help me move them?"

Finn frowned for a second before he shakes his head "this is your room now Kara, Elijah is to be your husband in a few moons, you are to share a bed with your husband."

Excuse me?!? "In a few moons?!? I-I haven't bleed, he can't be my husband yet, I-"

Finn cuts me off as he holds my hand "Kara take a breath, I know this isn't something you do in your village but here we marry at the age of 12 and older. You have a husband picked out and you turn 12 in a few moons. I promise you Elijah will treat you right and with respect. He is gentle, he is right for you I know it. Now he should be back before night fall, why don't you lay down and rest. You've had a long 3 day journey and need rest. You are safe here we promise you that."

I nod listening to Finns speech. He knows his brother better then anyone else beside Elijah himself. We are right for each other, he knows it. That eases my mind just a little bit.

Finn squeezes my hands before he left the room. I crawl onto the bed into the side closets to the wall. I lay there for what seems like hours until I finally drift to sleep.

Hope you enjoyed this first full chapter !!!

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