Chapter 48

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Chapter 48

In the dimly lit expanse of Hera's chamber, a veil of mysterious whispers swirled, filling the air with an eerie resonance. Since Eros' ascension to the role of the God of Love, Zeus has maintained a chilling silence toward Hera. Their past altercation had reverberated through the halls of Olympus with such intensity that even the most steadfast guards and priestesses could not ignore its echoes.

"As the time goes by, the curse is getting stronger! Look at what you've done, Hera!" Zeus's voice thundered within the confines of his chamber, his words laced with accusation and fury.

Hera recoiled, her features contorted with disbelief. "Dear, you can't just pin all the blame on me!" she retorted, her tone edged with defiance.

Zeus sneered at her, his gaze piercing. "Stop your innocent act! This is why I keep wanting more and more women other than you! Your viciousness and the fact that you're tied down to me, claiming you're my wife, is purely disgusting! If it weren't for the prosperity of Olympus, I would've been a free man right now!"

A surge of rage coursed through Hera, her fists clenching as she struggled to contain her emotions. "Freedom? Is that what you call it, Zeus?" she spat, her voice dripping with scorn. "Do not forget the sacrifices I have made as the mother of Olympus, nurturing the offspring born of your infidelities! Do not presume to be the sole bearer of suffering in this union!"

Zeus's patience snapped, his hand lashing out to strike Hera across the cheek. Stunned, she stood frozen, the sting of his blow searing through her. "Silence!" Zeus bellowed, his contempt palpable. "You exist only to fulfill the duties of a subservient wife! Your defiance is intolerable!"

For a tense moment, silence hung heavy in the air, broken only by the labored breaths of the two adversaries. Hera's gaze bore into Zeus's with a mix of fury and resolve, her grip tightening on his hands. With a bitter laugh, she uttered words that reverberated with chilling certainty. "One day, you will reap what you sow. This Olympus you loved so much will be mine eventually. And you... you shall be naught but a puppet, devoid of soul, dancing to my whims."

Returning to the present, Hera lay sprawled beside her bed, her breaths ragged and erratic as she struggled against the onslaught of unseen torment. Her hands gripped at her hair, then she moved to cover her ears in a futile attempt to block out the haunting echoes that assailed her senses.

".....Despise you." 

"I'll kill all of you." 

"I loathe you, Gods!" 

"Enjoy a suffering death!"

With a guttural cry of anguish, Hera thrashed upon her bed, her movements frenzied and violent, shattering the serenity of her chamber. In a burst of unbridled fury, she rose to her feet, her eyes ablaze with a wild, desperate madness, and swept her arm across the room, sending objects crashing to the ground in her wake.

At that moment, the door to her chambers swung open, and a young priestess, her voice trembling with concern, dared to step forward. "Mother Queen, are you alright?!" she implored, her gaze flitting anxiously around the disarrayed room. "Shall I summon the healers?"

Hera's response was a low, guttural groan as she extended a trembling hand, seizing the priestess by the chin with a grip that spoke of unfathomable strength. The young priestess whimpered in terror, her body quivering as she struggled against Hera's grasp.

Fixing her haunted gaze upon the trembling priestess, Hera's visage was a mask of anguish and despair. Her voice, barely a whisper, carried a weight of unbearable suffering as she issued her command. "You... summon my son..."

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