Chapter 01

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"Look here, Pete. They are undoubtedly nefarious; I understand that much. But what you're contemplating is beyond consideration! I comprehend why you might reach such a decision, but we both know that it's an impossible feat. We're talking about the papacy, for heaven's sake."
A gentle bump against the door was enough to halt their conversation abruptly. "Ouch!" I winced as I rubbed my forehead, as if I were applying a soothing salve. Mission failed. Not only had I nearly fractured my frontal bone when I unintentionally collided with the unyielding wooden door, but I had also compromised my covert observation. One might assume that my intention all along was to divert their attention from whatever they were engaged in, but that was not the case. My objective was to eavesdrop, even though it may not have appeared that way. Azra would undoubtedly have excelled at this task. She was the most adept at surreptitious activities.
"Mother and Father are discussing you," Azra would begin.
That was always the prelude to her divulging the in-depth knowledge she had gleaned from her inquisitive endeavors.
"Really?" I'd inquire, prompting her to continue. She'd respond with a subtle nod, as if that was the extent of her revelation.
"Well, what was the topic of the discussion this time."
These dialogues consistently commenced in the same manner.
"Azriel?" he called in a calm tone.
I cautiously opened the door, my mind riddled with questions about how he could have known it was me. After all, the bump from the door hadn't echoed my name, or had it? I was certain it hadn't. Furthermore, I dismissed the idea of him possessing some form of uncanny insight, particularly given the thickness of the door. It was so stout that even the most specialized eyes wouldn't have penetrated it. So, how had he discerned that I was the one concealed behind the door? At that moment, I contemplated whether he possessed supernatural powers or something even more extraordinary than that. But, upon reflection, I realize there was no one else in Uncle Jab's mansion that day except the three of us. He had no wife, no child, and none of the maids had reported to work, not even his butler.
Our eyes locked immediately, and in response to the nervousness I felt, a sheepish smile crept onto my face.
"Come, Azriel," he beckoned with a soft smile. I reciprocated with a prompt, genuine smile and eagerly rushed to join him. He gently slid his hands beneath my armpits and lifted me high, evoking a mysterious happiness that surged through me. Laughter and giggles bubbled up uncontrollably. He knew that lifting me was one of the things I adored. It made me feel like I was on top of the world, capable of achieving anything.
He seated me on the settle after a brief moment.

"I didn't see you holding that earlier," he remarked.
"Yes, Father... I made it appear with my magic!!"
"Whoa... I had no idea my Azriel could do magic... Will you to teach me? "
"Uh – no, no! This is a secret... my secret." I responded with a playful wag of my tongue.
"Aww..." He feigned a mournful tone, wiping the corners of his eyes and pretending to shed tears.
"Are you... Don't cry—"
"Teach me your magic, and I won't cry," he declared, pouting with his lower lip, his eyes closed, and his head turned away.
"Okay, I'll teach you my magic, but only if you also teach me alchemy," I proposed.
"Of course, I will... even though the laws of Ωdegaard doesn't permit me to do so."
"Is it because I'm a child?" I inquired, even though I was well aware of the answer.
He nodded. "They think it's not uh... wise, to teach a child the art of alchemy, and I agree, but you, my dear, are an extraordinary magician. Even alchemy would be too basic for you."
"Yes...! And once I combine alchemy with my magic, I will be the queen of the world, and even the papacy will have to pay me homage," I giggled at the grandiose image in my mind, concluding with a smile and a pronounced sense of pride. I couldn't wait to follow in the footsteps of an alchemist, like my father. Even at a tender age as such, I somewhat yearned for power... and a lot of it.
Ωdegaard upheld a law pertaining to the practice of alchemy, among others. It strictly forbade anyone below the age of fifteen from engaging in alchemical endeavors, a decree endorsed by the papacy due to perceived hazards.
"So, Queen Azriel?" he quipped.
"No, no, no... I want everyone to be afraid of me. I – I don't like Queen Azriel..."
"Oh, really? Wow!"
"My name would be 'Queen Az Cap'."
"Queen Azcap?"
I laughed hard. "Az Cap, Father, not Azcap. It's how my friends call me."
"Your friends call you Az Cap...? Why...?"
"Az for Azriel, Cap for Capoue."
Father suddenly laughed and applauded. "I have no doubt that you shall command respect across nations and continents. You certainly have my respect, Queen Az Cap."
I smiled and giggled, "There is another secret."
"Another secret?! Oh my! This is rather interesting. Please, tell me."

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