Chapter 08

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I gradually became aware of the gentle beam of sunlight filtering through my closed eyelids. The warmth of the sun slowly caressed my face, and I found myself in no rush to escape its comforting embrace. In fact, I quite enjoyed the sensation. Taking a deep, leisurely breath, I prepared to open my eyes.
"Ouch – damn it," A sudden exclamation escaped my lips. I hissed and swiftly rolled out of the bed, falling over and accidentally smacking my forehead against the wooden floor. A wince involuntarily crossed my face, prompting me to swiftly assess the functionality of my eyes. As I tested their response, I detected a nuanced anomaly—a faint, almost imperceptible white light lingering at the peripheries of my vision. It proved elusive, disappearing when I directed my gaze towards it, only to stealthily reappear in another corner as I shifted my focus elsewhere. The interplay of this subtle illumination added an intriguing layer of complexity to the assessment of my visual faculties.
You fool, that's what you get for inadvertently staring right at the sun, I muttered, even though I hadn't meant to look directly at it.
As the haze gradually lifted from my vision, I recollected the pressing need to gently massage my forehead.
"Did you fall out of bed, Az?" Mirabel exclaimed with a burst of laughter as she entered the room. "Well, it was a deliberate descent," I responded, rising from the floor.
"Sure, if you say so," she chuckled. "How's your back holding up? You managed to give us quite a fright." "Huh?" I queried, a sense of confusion settling in.
"Oh," I mumbled after a brief moment, my previous pain and drama momentarily forgotten.
Perplexed, I mused to myself, "What on earth was that about?" The sensation lingered vividly, akin to being skewered over an open flame. I whispered these thoughts, squinting and rolling my eyes towards the corners, as though seeking elusive answers in the recesses of the room.
"Could it have been an error in my transmutation circle?" I wondered aloud.
"You did draw it correctly," Mirabel replied. "I thought the same thing, but upon inspection, I found no issues with your circle, though It began right when the circle was completed."
"Hmm, that's strange... So, you really don't think the circle backfired?" I inquired with a sheepish smile, "No pun intended."
Mirabel chuckled lightly and shook her head. "That's almost funny." She commended. "But, do you still experience any discomfort?"
"No, I'm not in pain now. But there's a sensation I feel on my back," I reported, crossing my arms and lifting the edges of my tunic to reveal my entire back to her.
"Oh," she uttered, instigating a sense of unease within me. "'Oh'? Why 'Oh'?" I inquired, urging for clarification.

"Perhaps it's due to the bandages mother applied over it," she explained. "Oh, well... um, alright then. Remove them, please." I begged.
"Are you sure? I don't think so... Might bring back the pain. I witnessed your back turning quite crispy, you need the bandage over it."
"What are you, a doctor? I'm aware what happened to me but I believe I'm fully healed now. I don't sense any discomfort back there."
"That makes no sense, Az. You cannot be healed just like that. You got awfully burned." "Trust me, just take it off. I'd do it with or without your help so just..."
Mirabel sighed heavily "Hm, Very well, but if mother comes, don't mention my name." "Yes, yeah – Just shut up and do as you're told..." I replied sternly.
In response to my brashness, her index finger delivered a precise smack to the back of my ear, prompting an immediate eruption of laughter.
With a deft, practiced motion, the bandage unfurled from its place.
A hushed silence settled between us over the passage of time, each of us immersed in our distinct contemplations. The awareness of her presence had nearly slipped from my mind until the gentle warmth of her breath brushed against the nape of my neck, jolting me back to the immediate reminder of my back.
"Whoa, take it easy, salamander. Spare me from another scorching, if you would. I'm begging you," injecting a touch of humor into the moment.
Mira's continued silence only served to reinforce her earlier remark about my supposed lack of humor, or there was something that was taking her attention. I couldn't help but ponder whether something truly peculiar had transpired or if my back had totally burned without recognition.
"Mira? Is everything all right back there? What have you seen?" I queried persistently, firing off questions even before she could address the initial one. Her unexpected silence was disquieting, and it was apparent that she had witnessed something unusual.
"Hey," I turned to her halfway and finally seized her attention.
The expression on her face sent a jolt through my chest. Her eyes widened as they locked onto mine, and a palpable sense of concern emanated from them. They seemed to twitch slightly, and I couldn't help but speculate about what had startled her.
Had my entire back suffered from burns I hadn't even noticed? Or was she simply playing a prank on me? Such thoughts raced through my mind.
"Your back... It's healed...miraculously. But..." she trailed off. "That symbol. What...what does it mean?"
A sigh escaped me. "I hate to disappoint you, but I lack the eyes to observe my own back. That's precisely why I sought your assistance.

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