Chapter 16

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"So, the Papacy is after this particular book, and so is Damsgaard?" Asta inquired.Stefan hesitated and then nodded. "Uh, yeah."Asta pressed further, "I see. And I know you've ignored my other questions all day, but I really want toknow. I'm your apprentice, after all. It's only fair if I knew what's going on, don't you think?"Stefan groaned, displaying his reluctance. "I'm contemplating if you're trustworthy or not...""Of course I am, you trusted me enough to make me your apprentice. How's this trust any different?"Stefan hesitated once more, "Well, I wouldn't say I made you my apprentice because I trusted you. Imade you that because you remind me of... someone I lost many years back."Asta's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Okay, so, in other words, you don't trust me at all then?"Stefan let out a weary sigh, revealing a bit of frustration. "The book contains all the real secrets ofAlchemy: all the powerful symbols... all the tabooed practices... everything. It was written by Almezhier."Asta seemed to ponder for a moment. "Almezhier...?"Stefan confirmed, "Yes, Almezhier, the father of alchemy, the first-ever alchemist. The book is essentiallyhis journal, with all the writings believed to be derived from his experiences and practices."Asta concluded, "So, let me guess... Anyone who gets their hands on the book becomes..."Stefan interrupted, finishing the thought, "Yes, exactly. Now, I hope you still remember our plan? We'llbe there soon."Stefan had already formulated a plan for the impending mission before they even embarked on thevelocipede to Tarkwa C. However, it was more of a plan for the apprentice than for the mission itself,which was quite a disappointment for Asta. He realized he wouldn't be directly involved in the action.Instead, his role was to stand guard and maintain watch from a distance at the location they wereheaded to."I do remember, how could I forget such a brilliant plan like that?" Asta replied sarcastically.Stefan managed a small smile, "Glad to have you on board."----------------------------I had meticulously combed through my father's extensive library in his study, but to no avail. There wasnot a trace of what I sought, and my frustration was mounting. If only I had a glimpse of the book's coverwhen I was a kid, I could expedite my search. Regrettably, I was left with the laborious task of examiningeach tome, one by one, in the hopes of finding a Trishula symbol. The enigmatic voice that accompaniedme had warned against this method, declaring it a futile endeavor.Overwhelmed by the vast number of books in the house, I couldn't help but voice out my frustration,"There are so many books in this house, too many. How do you expect me to find a particular page?""I never told you to find a page, Azriel; I said to find the book." The mysterious voice responded."Right, but the only way for me to know if it's the right book is by examining a single page. I've neverseen the cover of this book, only a single page. Well, I have but I don't remember what it looks like." Icountered."There's no need to flip through pages; you will know when you have it." The voice assured me.Having exhausted the possibilities in my father's study, I had to make my way to the basement, where Ianticipated encountering another vast trove of books. I held a feeling that the book I sought was nearby,but at the same time, doubts nagged at me."Hello, voice" I called out to the enigmatic voice."..."I continued, "I didn't find the book here. I'm moving to the basement.""I'm well aware,"I pressed on, voicing my growing curiosity and skepticism, "I don't know who you are, I don't knowanything about you. Honestly, I feel it's unwise to listen to you, but I am. I might be going crazy; youseem like a voice in my head. But whatever the case, the least you can do is tell me about you, how youknow me, and how you think I know you." My words were spoken as I descended the stairs leading tothe basement."You were lost in the dark, scared, and crying over something you'd seen. You were confused on howyou'd gotten there."Frustration welled up within me as I dropped the fifth book I'd been meticulously searching through ontothe ground. "How I'd gotten where?" I inquired."The middle place, between this physical world and the spiritual world; Limbo.""Limbo? A place between the physical world and the spiritual realm? Does such place really exist? Howdid I get there? And, how come I don't remember any of it?""There's nothing to remember. No one easily retains memories of the spirit, unless, of course, youestablish a profound connection with it. That's when you'll recall every single memory your spirit holds,even before predating its earthly vessel." The voice explained.I maintained my skepticism but pressed for more information, "I don't necessarily accept your 'Limbo'narrative, but how do someone establish a connection with the spirit?""Becoming one with your spirit is a complex endeavor; it's a topic of discussion for another time. Atpresent, recalling the details of your experiences in Limbo is essential, well, not entirely. What you needremember is how I've empowered you.""Uh, what do you mean by how you've empowered me?""You were in Limbo for a long time. During that time, I trained you. You're arguably one of the mostformidable alchemists in the universe." The voice disclosed.I stammered, "But I don't feel... powerful.""Get the book." The voice's response was direct.A heavy sigh escaped my lips. However, what he had said about training me and me being a powerfulalchemist left me perplexed. I didn't think he was being serious, but his tone had been far from jesting. Itwas evident that he lacked any semblance of humor, even the terrible kind. Questions swirled in mymind. If he truly had made me a powerful alchemist even before my awakening, how did I end up with ascar from merely drawing a transmutation circle on my back? Perhaps there was an explanation for that,I pondered. Having an accident during my first alchemical attempt didn't necessarily imply a lack ofpower though... I mean, I felt a surge of power within me after drawing the circle.I sighed and continued searching.Before long, I had methodically gone through all the books in the basement, yet I had nothing to showfor my efforts. It struck me that my search of my father's study, the library, and now the basement hadbeen in vain. My father wouldn't have left the book lying around so carelessly; else it might have beenpilfered by someone by now."What if someone else has it... I mean, it's been quite a while, hasn't it?"It has, but no one has it. If someone touched it after your father I'd know. It's my book after all."A sudden realization struck me as I recalled the wall-portrait beside the clock. Its appearance seemed offand unfamiliar. In a rush of anticipation, I hurried upstairs to get a closer look. In my mind, I had plannedto sprint up the stairs to investigate, but it seemed that my legs had a different idea.Take your time, move gracefully, like a princess --- They said to me.Eventually, I reached the portrait and turned on the light. There it was, a depiction of a formidable bull,its horns arching upwards. I had an immediate hunch that I had stumbled upon what I was searching for.The image was entirely new to me; I had never seen it in my childhood. Moreover, the arcing hornsresembled the edges of a Trishula.I promptly took down the portrait, revealing a concealed cavity in the wall.I took a deep breath and stared into the darkness within.Gathering my courage, I extended my hand into the void and made contact with something... somethingthat felt like a fabric covering an object with the shape of a book. I carefully extracted it, unwrapping thefabric to reveal its contents.There it was, the secrets of Alchemy, emblazoned at the top of the hardcover. The voice had been right. Ihad an overwhelming certainty that this was it, even before I opened it. I could sense its power, as if Iheld the very essence of life in my hands.I opened the book and began flipping through the pages one by one. The text was handwritten,resembling a journal. Each section began with a title, followed by a list of materials, procedures, and theperfect transmutation circle for that specific practice. It was essentially a tutorial book, albeit with atwist. Some pages delved into the author's story, his journey.A few pages were missing, and it was evident that they had been intentionally torn out. Finally, I reachedthe last page. There it was, the Trishula symbol, drawn beneath the title "Creation and Destruction."After that, there was nothing more."That's all?" I muttered."Voice in my head?" I called out."Azriel," he responded promptly."There's nothing on the Trishula symbol. Has it been torn out too or? I need to know more about it.""The information there is more than enough, Azriel." The voice assured me. "Creation and Destruction...That's what the Trishula means.""I got that part. But it doesn't explain why I got it on my back." I replied.The voice explained further, "You were chosen, Azriel. The scar on your back is the symbol for that, andit's connected to the book in your hands. ""I don't get it. How did I get chosen? And for what? And you're saying all is connected to a book I knewnothing of till now? Why did father even have a book like this?" I voiced my confusion."Your father worked for the Papacy, tasked with finding the whereabouts of the book. He succeeded inlocating the book, but he didn't hand it over to the Papacy. He didn't trust them, so he hid it from them.That's what got him and the rest of your family killed.""What? The Papacy... did it? They killed my family just because of this book, is what you're saying?""I couldn't pinpoint the culprits responsible for their deaths, but it is undeniable that the book played apivotal role in the tragic events that transpired. And it's far from being just a book if your father riskedhis life to protect it, don't you think?""But he didn't risk only his life, did he?"A bewildering and overpowering sensation coursed through me. The weight of realization struck me withbrutal force, and tears flowed uncontrollably down my cheeks. Their images emerged right behind myeye lids the moment I shut my eyes. It was incomprehensible. Mother and Azra had perished due to myfather's betrayal of the Papacy over a book? Their lives extinguished over the contents of a mere tome? Istruggled heavily to reconcile this shocking truth, and in a surge of anger, I forcefully cast the book to theground, venting my frustration with all the strength within me.As tears continued to cascade down my face, I found myself sinking to my knees. "Father... Is it true? Areyou truly responsible for the murder of your own family?" I uttered the words as if he were present, myvoice carrying a mixture of disbelief, grief, and accusation."Remember, Azriel... this very book has the power to restore their lives..."The entrance door closed almost immediately after the voice in my head finished speaking. Withoutbothering to lift my gaze to identify the visitor, I concluded with the arrival of Ach, likely coming in tooffer solace or check on me in my distressed state.However, the voice that permeated the room did not belong to Ach. A sudden shift in the atmosphererevealed a menacing and terrifying presence. My skin crawled, and an eerie sensation gripped me. It feltas though the hairs at the back of my neck were attempting to withdraw from my flesh, unable to remainstill."Ah, quite an intriguing discovery we have here," the individual remarked with a voice that made myguts vibrate. The voice wasn't just heard; it was felt, resonating deep within me, setting my nerves onedge and sending tremor through my very core. The haunting timbre of it clawed at my spine, turningmy blood to ice and rooting me to the spot, petrified and utterly captivated by the terror it invoked.Realizing the imminent danger lurking, I was compelled to stand, though I felt my legs weakening, mysenses acutely attuned to the ominous scent that now hung in the air. The unsettling feeling I had waslinked to the book I held. I was aware that person's presence was directly tied to the book. With aresolute step, I raised myself upright, clutching the book close to my chest. My eyes met the sight of twomen before me, the first akin to a dapper demon with his fur coat, hat, and cane, while the other, thoughequally menacing, lacked the terrifying demeanor of his companion."Egon..." The voice resounded in my head."This is him? The person you cautioned me about?" I asked the voice in my head.A shiver coursed through me. Had he described the sheer terror that Egon embodied, I might haveheeded the warning.It was apparent that Egon's intentions revolved around the book, but I was quick to decide thatsurrendering it willingly wasn't in my cards. My father hadn't relinquished it in the past even though hehad important people in his life that he needed to protect; I had lost my entire family due to thisaccursed tome, and now it had within it the power to bring them back to life... I would not relinquish itso easily either."Egon," I whispered his name, my eyes as wide."Ow... my name precedes me these days." He responded with a sardonic chuckle.I took a deep breath silent breath and then let it out softly, trying to relax my heartbeat and nerves,though it didn't work."Why... why are you here in my house? What do you want from me?" I asked, my voice shaking.A sinister grin played across his lips as he replied, "You possess what is rightfully mine. I've come tocollect."I raised the book slightly, displaying it more prominently.His eyes gleamed with unbridled excitement, as if he had been searching tirelessly and had nowstumbled upon a treasure. "Oh, no, please," I implored, "I can't give this to you. Does it truly belong toyou?"Egon's chuckle deepened, taking on a more menacing tone. "My dear, I assure you, it does belong to me.If you do not hand it, I will end your life. I promise you." His voice resonated with intensity, sendinganother wave of intense shiver down my spine. My legs shook as I briefly struggled to keep balance.My heart surged within my chest, the ferocious pounding causing an acute pain. Each beat felt like arelentless assault on my ribcage, my breath shortened, punctuated by subtle wheezes.Despite the tremors of fear deep within me, my determination remained unyielding, I forced it to be."Mr. Egon," I asserted, my voice almost steady with conviction, "Your very presence shakes me to thecore, but I refuse to surrender. My father sacrificed everything for this book, and my family paid animmeasurable price. Handing it over to you after this discovery would be a betrayal of their memory. Youwould have to take my life to wrench this book from my grasp. The SOURCE knows I long to reunite withmy family anyway." My words carried a resolute strength, masking the inner turmoil with a veneer ofunwavering determination."I dishonor my family as well if I don't take it from you. So, I'll grant your wish and reunite you with youfamily." He replied.I sensed a faint, almost imperceptible footfall from behind me the moment his words trailed off. A slightmovement caught the corner of my eye, and I pivoted instinctively, certain of an unseen presence lurkingat my blind spot.Swiftly turning, I encountered an intruder who had stealthily closed the distance between us without myawareness. The proximity was unnerving, intensifying my already elevated fear. Without a moment'shesitation, my left hand reflexively shot out in a desperate attempt to ward off this unexpected assailant.My fingers almost made contact with her, but she suddenly seized my entire arm.In that instant, a brief, nearly imperceptible azure glow enveloped her palm and then to my arm, then anexcruciatingly cold sensation began to pervade. Frost materialized, originating from the point of contact,and rapidly spread over my arm, encasing it in pure white ice. I watched in disbelief as my fingers andhand became immobilized.A second surge of blue lightning manifested around her hand, and the ice exploded. My arm had justdisappeared right before my eyes. The pain that followed was as searing as an enraged lightning bolt,overshadowing the initial shock. Yet, I remained still, my gaze locked on the grotesque sight of myarmless left side. For the first few seconds, the sheer astonishment of the loss numbed the pain.A tumult of questions raced through my mind. "What... What just happened? Where is my arm? Whereis my arm?" The overwhelming sense of disbelief gripped me, but it didn't take long for the agony toovertake the shock; the excruciating pain surged from the depths of my being. I felt as though I wereteetering on the brink of death, my fear and confusion casting a shadow over any semblance ofunderstanding.I crumpled to my knees, emitting a guttural scream-cry, my right hand still clenching the book with avice-like grip. In the midst of my torment, the voice within my head called out to me, "Azriel... Use it, usethis pain to remember!" An instruction laced with urgency.With every ounce of my strength, I shut my eyes tightly, going through the pain, attempting to harnessthe anguish and, at the same time, attempting to escape the dire situation through the power of mymind. In a rational state, I would have deemed such an endeavor preposterous. But not my currentdisarray.A fleeting memory surfaced—an image of me in an interminable, dark, desolate void, encircled by avivid, crimson-hued lightning.I continued to clench myself tightly, in a futile attempt to quell the pain or perhaps vanish into thin air.After all, why not try? The voice had proclaimed me the foremost alchemist in the world, anddisappearing into thin air seemed like a feat well within my grasp.Suddenly, a deafening explosion reverberated from nowhere, followed by the anguished shout of thewoman who had obliterated my arm.Intrigued by this abrupt disruption, I reluctantly opened my eyes to assess the unfolding scene, thinkingI might have caused something to happen merely with my mind.Egon and his enigmatic accomplice lay sprawled on the ground, their movements feeble. My vision wascompromised, so I struggled to discern the countenance of the new man who'd just entered, but Irecognized the emblem of the State Alchemist uniform he was in. It appeared that a State Alchemist hadcome to my rescue.Gently, he cradled my remaining arm around his shoulders and helped me to my feet. Together, wehastily evacuated the premises, my fingers still clamped securely onto the book.

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