Chapter 12

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The train eventually reached its destination, and the passengers disembarked. As Stefan stepped ontothe platform, he discreetly checked his wristwatch. "This shouldn't take long," he muttered softly.Asta, who had been silently observing him, leaned in and whispered, "You do this quite often, youknow."Stefan raised an eyebrow, "Do what?""You check your watch about five to six times within a three-minute span," Asta replied."Five to six times in three minutes... are you sure about that?" Stefan inquired, still engrossed in histimepiece.Asta nodded, "I'm quite certain. I've been keeping track every time you lower your head to glance atyour watch. Sometimes, you do it twice within the same minute."Stefan chuckled, "You're quite observant, aren't you?"Asta shrugged, "Not really. You just make it rather easy to notice because you do it so frequently."Stefan acknowledged him with a faint smile and began to walk forward, Asta following closely behind.They exited the station and emerged into a bustling, noisy crowd that was only a few meters from theexit door. A short flight of 10 steps was the only thing separating the station building from the busymarket."This is incredible." Asta voiced, "I've never seen such a large gathering of people in one place before.It's like an entire city, with an additional five hundred people here.""Indeed, this is the Tarkwa Market for you – the largest and busiest market in the world. Although it'sopen to debate if you compare it to Damsgaard's," Stefan remarked."Damsgaard... Officer Stefan, could you shed light on the circumstances that occurred between themand us?" Asta inquired."War," Stefan replied tersely."Yes, it's common knowledge that there is a war, but what were the specific triggers that ignited theconflict?" Asta pressed."What do you mean by 'specific triggers'?" Stefan responded."Well, it's been said that the Damsgaardians harbor uh -- intense animosity towards us that theirobjective is the complete annihilation of our people. Consequently, Ωdegaard appears to be adopting adefensive stance, although the validity of the claim is open to scrutiny, don't you think?" Asta inquired.Squinting his eyes, Stefan responded, "Hmm – I don't quite follow.""I mean, I understand that they harbor resentment, as they've demonstrated repeatedly, but what I'mgetting at is, 'Why do they harbor such hatred towards us?' Amidst the turmoil they're causing, I can'thelp but wonder if there might be underlying reasons behind their actions," Asta elaborated.Shifting his gaze towards the boy, Stefan inquired, "Are you suggesting that the papacy is beinguntruthful about it?""Well, I wouldn't go so far as to say 'untruthful'. It's more like they are not being forthright, that's all,"the boy explained."Hmm—perhaps a story for another time. Are you hungry?" Stefan asked.Asta quickly placed his hands on his stomach and raised his eyes upward, as if seeking divine permissionfrom the SOURCE to eat.He nodded."Good. Follow me."Stefan signaled for Asta to stay close, then began to navigate through the crowd. The market was vast,teeming with numerous vendors and a myriad of buyers. It was so densely packed that even if you knewyour way around, you could easily become disoriented. They had no choice but to push their waythrough the throngs of people, struggling to make any progress. However, pushing through the crowdwasn't the only challenge; the ground was wet and muddy, making each step treacherous. They had tocarefully tread to avoid stepping in muddy puddles or, even worse, slipping.The crowd was a mix of travelers, buyers, street vendors, and petty thieves who cunningly blended in,searching for unsuspecting pockets to pick.Asta shadowed Stefan closely, determined not to lose sight of him in the bustling market. There weremoments when the surging crowd threatened to separate them, but Asta remained resolute.He glanced downward at his boots after they'd successfully gone through the crowd, and it hadtransitioned from black to a muddied brown hue. He sighed heavily."Where are we going to eat? My stomach has already started to sing. And trust me, you don't want tohear how bad he sounds."Stefan flashed a confident grin. "Just follow me. I'm taking you to the finest tavern in all of Tarkwa."Asta raised an eyebrow. "Oh, really?""Yes, indeed. The first time I came to this town, it was solely to seek out this tavern. I'd heard glowingrecommendations from fellow officers, and I was compelled to experience it for myself."Asta couldn't contain his incredulity. He quickened his pace and stepped in front of Stefan, facing himdirectly. "You mean to tell me that you boarded a train and spent hours on a journey because of whatpeople said about a food joint? That's a bit too much, isn't it?"Stefan let out a light chuckle and continued walking. "I'm referring to what is arguably the best culinaryestablishment in the entire Ωdegaard."Asta remained skeptical. "The entire Ωdegaard? I have my doubts."Stefan, still grinning, replied, "We'll see, won't we, Arthur... I mean, Asta.""Certainly," Asta responded, unfazed by the fact that Stefan had called him by a different name for thesecond time.Asta trailed Stefan further into the town, his hunger now bordering on starvation. Just twenty-fiveminutes earlier, he had been marveling at the town's architecture, remarking on how the market lookedentirely distinct from the city itself. The city featured paved streets and brick buildings that didn't seemto align with the market's chaotic ambiance, as if they were two separate places on the map. However,Asta had ceased his observations about the city. His primary concern now was preventing himself fromfainting as he walked. He had expended all his energy in conversation, and he was now running onempty.Stefan finally noticed the absence of conversation. He shook his head with a faint sigh and a light smile."Well, he's finally quieted down...""We're here," Stefan announced, gesturing toward the building beside them. He looked at Asta,expecting a response, but the boy remained silent. It was apparent that Asta was on the brink ofexhaustion, and his last reserves of energy were dwindling rapidly.Stefan entered the tavern, with Asta following him. "Take a seat and relax here. I'll go place the order,"Stefan instructed."Officer Stefan, you're back in town?" the middle-aged woman behind the counter exclaimed as soon asshe spotted him.Stefan nodded, maintaining a warm smile as he approached her. "Hello, Mrs. Dorothy," he greeted."Well, hello to you too. It's been a while," she replied."Yeah, it has. I see you're not as crowded as you were the last few times I visited." Stefan noted theabundance of vacant tables and chairs, a stark contrast to his previous visits when finding a seat hadbeen a challenge."Should I be concerned...?" Stefan inquired.Mrs. Dorothy pondered this for a moment before grasping his meaning. "Oh, not at all. The real rushtypically starts after midday, you know," she assured him."Good to know. All right, I need a meal for the kid over there." Stefan pointed towards Asta. "He'spractically starving, so if you could please expedite it? I have some business to attend to in the city, andI'll swing by later for my own meal..."The woman nodded with a friendly smile.Stefan checked his watch after exiting the building, "This shouldn't take long," he muttered to himself.He retrieved a piece of paper from his regalia's pocket, quickly glanced at it to confirm JamesAdamczyk's address, and returned it to its place.Several minutes passed, and Stefan was still en route to James Adamczyk's residence. The city sprawledfar and wide, and Stefan had never ventured to that part of the city. He proceeded cautiously, scanninghouses and addresses one by one. Though he was aware that it was taking longer than he'd like, hedidn't hasten his steps. He couldn't bring himself to rush because he hadn't yet determined how tobroach the subject regarding Peter Capoue and the book.Stefan was usually straightforward and unhesitating in his approach to things, not caring about whatothers thought of him. Though, he had an exception when it came to his superiors at the Papacy.This time was different because James Adamczyk wasn't his superior... he'd never even met the man. Hisnervousness was largely due to what he had read about the man in Peter Capoue's journal. He knewthat his typical approach and direct confrontation wouldn't yield positive results with James. James wasnotoriously reclusive, rarely placing trust in anyone and certainly not divulging his knowledge aboutAlmezhier's book. Peter's journal had been explicit about that."Not only does James trust nobody, he especially harbors a deep distrust of the Papacy, and I can seewhy. I could pose as an ordinary researcher, a citizen on a quest to uncover Almezhier's book. That mightgreatly enhance my chances, but I'm not inclined to approach him with deceit, especially since I'm anawful liar. He'd see right through me. I must approach him as myself, a State Alchemist who attained therank of professor due to my insatiable curiosity and unrelenting pursuit of knowledge. I'll endeavor toconvey to him that while I may be employed by the state, I am not synonymous with it!" --Professor Peter CapoueThere was no mystery behind Stefan's nervousness. He was on the brink of approaching a man whosebeliefs vehemently opposed the Papacy, in stark contrast to his own convictions. Convincing this man toengage in even a simple conversation would prove to be an exceptionally challenging task.Stefan had finally arrived at his intended destination and, to be certain, he double-checked the addressscribbled on the piece of paper tucked in his pocket. After nodding in affirmation, he let out a heavysigh, not of relief but of apprehension. The weight of anxiety was palpable as he approached the frontdoor.-------------------------------------------James Adamczyk jolted awake, gasping, as the remnants of a distressing nightmare clung to his senses.His eyes darted around the room, and he breathed a sigh of relief when he found everything in itsrightful place."But... what was I dreaming?" he murmured, squinting in the dim light.A gentle double knock resounded from the front door. James shifted his gaze to the wall clock on theopposite side of his bed, which sixteen after eight.Shortly after the knock, the doorbell chimed."Hold on, I'm coming," he responded, preparing himself for an unexpected visitor.James moved slowly to the door, taking his time to reach it. The visitor had shown remarkable patience,refraining from knocking again."Mr... James... Adamczyk... Good to finally meet you," the man uttered with a deep, intimidating voiceas soon as James opened the door. The stranger had kept his back to James, so his face remainedconcealed. Judging by the voice alone, it was evident that James had never encountered this individualbefore. Moreover, the man's unusual attire suggested he was an outsider, perhaps not even fromΩdegaard. James couldn't discern the details of the man's outfit beneath the long black leather coatwith the black and white animal fur lining at the collar, a somewhat dusty round hat on his head, and hisdark brown leather gloves. In his hand, he held a silver-headed cane with a dark brown wooden shaft.James finally inquired, "And who might you be?""My name is Egon... Egon Nygaard," the man replied, slowly turning around.James gasped, and an immediate trembling overtook his hands and legs."Oh, my face isn't that frightening, is it?" Egon quipped as he advanced toward James within the house.-----------------------------------------Stefan rapped on James' door, and a voice promptly granted him entry."Thank you," Stefan mouthed as he closed the door behind him."In the living room. Follow my voice," the voice guided him.Stefan obediently followed the voice, finding himself in the living room. To his surprise, the room was astark contrast to the corridor he had just left. The atmosphere felt cold and unsettling all of a sudden, asthough he had entered a chamber filled with malevolent beings. An unfamiliar air of hostility hung overthe room.In the living room, a formidable and intimidating man lounged comfortably on a double-seat sofa, hisarms sprawled across the backrest. Two pronounced scars marred his face, one on each side, extendingfrom beneath the edges of his eyes to his chin. Standing behind him was another man, similarly dressedbut without the animal fur, who fixed a malicious glare on Stefan. While not as physically menacing asthe scarred man, it was evident that this individual harbored ill intentions towards Stefan.Nearby, an elderly man with silver hair and a matching beard, bearing the telltale signs of age on hisface, lay on the floor, unmoving. Stefan couldn't determine if the man was unconscious or worse, but hewas unmistakably James, the person he had come to find.Stefan's thoughts raced, This is bad! What are they doing here?"Egon Nygaard... What are you doing here?" Stefan inquired with a determined tone, as if his internalturmoil had no sway over his mouth and unwavering voice."You recognize me by face? I never thought I was that well-known." Egon responded with his deep andterrifying voice. It was apparent that Egon wasn't the one who had invited Stefan into the house. If hehad been, Stefan would have instantly sensed that something was amiss and would likely not haveentered, or at the very least, he would have been better prepared."You are, in fact. Although I doubt that they would recognize your face. But I do... I know you. You arethe King of Damsgaard; at least that's what I recall," Stefan admitted."Oh, I see. You recognize me by face, huh? No young state alchemists like yourself does... unless, youare the dirty traitor I've heard about? A citizen of Damsgaard turned state alchemist for Ωdegaard?"Stefan stayed quiet, maintaining a stoic expression.Egon nodded, and a faint chuckle escaped his lips. "So, traitor, you caught me at a bad time... Well, badfor me, good for you, because I've just killed this man," Egon declared as he slowly rose to his feet. "Areyou going to arrest me?" He inquired, his voice growing even deeper and more sinister.Stefan quivered lightly, instinctively taking a step back. He felt an ominous spiritual energy emanatingfrom Egon, and the man's intent towards him seemed palpable just from the look on his face.Stefan looked down into his palm, and his heart sank immediately as he realized that his sticker wasmissing from his hands. This is bad...In a matter of seconds, Stefan swiftly scanned the entire room. The second man behind Egon waspreparing to strike, his movements nearly imperceptible. With a sudden, agile turn, Stefan attempted toexit the room. That's when he spotted her - another assailant of Egon. Her attire and the fact that shewas lunging at him revealed her intentions. Stefan's impulsive move to escape was a stroke of luck,allowing him to realize her presence, potentially saving his life, if even for a brief moment. She wasdangerously close to him, her hand reaching for his head.In a split-second decision, Stefan ducked and lunged to the right, narrowly evading her grasp. However,he found himself trapped, a predicament he had been in from the start, although he had been unawareof it. He cast a fleeting glance over his shoulder, and to his surprise, he spotted a window. His thoughtsraced, *A window?!*Without hesitation, Stefan propelled himself backward with force, smashing through the window as hishead shattered the glass.

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