Chapter 09

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"Girls...?" Aunt Liz's voice echoed from downstairs.
Mira's reaction was immediate. "Oh no, she's back! The mirror!"
"You've killed us, Mira," I mouthed.
"Us? Speak for yourself. I'll make a run for it before she gets the chance to kill me."
I shot her an incredulous look, my eyes and mouth widening simultaneously. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. This petite troublemaker had already planned an escape without me if things spiraled out of control. The irony was thick since she was the one who'd insisted on nabbing the mirror in the first place, without even consulting me. Moreover, why hadn't she considered the wisdom of using it discreetly in her mother's room? It would have been far simpler to put it back where we found it. But no, she had taken it and brought it to my room, and now she was casually mentioning her escape plans, seemingly oblivious to the fact that I couldn't run in my condition.
"Well, I could just call out to Aunt Liz right now and let her know you swiped her mirror while she was away," I mouthed, folding my arms in disapproval.
Mira let out a soft chuckle. "You do realize I did it for your sake, right?" "You do realize I don't care, right?" I retorted.
For a moment, we locked eyes, our eyebrows raised and composed expressions reflecting the tension in the room. But it didn't take long before our mutual amusement overcame the situation, and we burst into laughter.
"You resemble a goat when you try to keep a straight face, Az," she continued to laugh heartily. I retorted, "I could say the same about you, but that might be an understatement."
Her laughter intensified, and I could sense that my humor was gradually winning her over. Well, if she thought that comment was funny, she was in for a surprise; it wasn't intended as a joke. Her expression genuinely did make her look more ridiculous than a goat.
We hatched a plan. Aunt Liz's room directly faced the stairs, easily visible to anyone downstairs, especially when they were around the dining, and we confirmed Aunt Liz's location to be in the dining area.
The plan was for me to descend the dreaded staircase, strike up a conversation with Aunt Liz - perhaps mentioning something about my aching back to make it engaging. Meanwhile, Mira would stealthily slip into the room and carefully return the mirror to its original spot, ensuring there was no hint of any tampering.
"And I mean it, not a single trace," I emphasized. "Quit chatting and get lost, Az. The clock's ticking."
I gracefully descended the staircase, devoid of any hesitations. Typically, I'd linger at the top for a good two to three minutes before letting my shillelagh clatter onto the first step.

Aunt Liz's face brightened the moment she spotted me. She had been leaning against the dining table, facing the stairs and the entrance to her room. It was crucial not to tip her off by rushing to replace the mirror, as she would have spotted us.
I reciprocated her smile.
"How have you been, dear?" Aunt Liz inquired. "I was very concerned about your well-being during my time in the city. Hearing you and Mirabel chatting when I returned put my mind at ease."
Her eyes shifted to me.
"No need to worry, Aunt Liz. I'm doing just fine." I strolled toward the sink, diverting her attention away from the staircase. Her back now faced it.
Silently, Mira entered the room and reemerged within a matter of seconds. I couldn't help but wonder if she had simply entered and threw the mirror wherever her eyes landed first.
"So, what happened? Did you encounter an issue with your transmutation circle that requires correction in your next attempt?" Aunt Liz inquired.
I shook my head, "No, I don't think that's the problem. I drew my circle perfectly, and Mira assured me there was nothing wrong with my it."
Aunt Liz nodded thoughtfully. "Hmm... So—"
I cut her off, " I think... there's something wrong with me..."
"Oh, why would you say that all of a sudden? There's absolutely nothing wrong with you. I'm certain there's an explanation for what happened, and Mr. Koebel should have some insights," Aunt Liz assured me.
Mira's voice came from behind Aunt Liz, "Show her..."
I nodded and turned to reveal my back, raising my tunic.
Aunt Liz approached me, her footsteps indicating her movement, and her fingers gently touching my back. She observed the symbol in silence for a while before finally breaking it.
"What... is this? What does it mean?"
"It's a Trishula... or at least, that's what we think it's called. I don't know its meaning, but I know where I can look it up and find out," I responded.
Aunt Liz paused for a moment, then conceded, "I hope its meaning doesn't correlate its sensation... What I'm saying is... The symbol's interpretation shouldn't mirror with how it feels... It's likely just my uneasiness, but I can't seem to shake it." She said. "But I'm sure it's nothing." Her voice broke.
She feels it too, doesn't she? This truly is something – I thought.
I turned toward her slowly, and our eyes locked immediately. A silent understanding passed between us; I could see the depth of her concern for me. Even though she attempted to mask it with a smile, I sensed

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