Chapter 44

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Yan Tuo's consciousness was still intact, but distorted repeatedly. The sounds around him fluctuated between loud and soft, and the images in front of him kept morphing. What's worse was the discomfort inside his body: wave after wave, not fatal, but occurring in different areas, sometimes in the chest, sometimes in the abdomen – as if there was a wandering hand inside his body, manipulating his various organs like toys at its whim.

His memory was also hazy; he only felt like one moment he was in the car, and the next he was being carried away by someone, then having alcohol poured over him, and hearing a stranger's male voice saying that it would make things more realistic and less noticeable.

The next second, he found himself lying on a soft cushion, feeling incredibly comfortable. His whole body felt like a heavy weight sinking into the softness.

Then, suddenly, his body felt cold, a chilling cold enveloping him, accompanied by sharp scissor-like sounds, getting closer to his throat.

Yan Tuo abruptly opened his eyes and grabbed onto something.

He was in a hotel room.

The window was wide open, the night wind blowing incessantly. Adding to this, in this season, air conditioners usually blew warm air, but the one in the room was blowing cold air directly at him, and the air vent had been adjusted to point towards him.

He was lying on the sofa, with a large bath towel spread beneath him, probably to avoid staining the sofa with blood.

In his hand was Nie Jiuluo's hand, holding a pair of scissors.

Nie Jiuluo looked down at him with lowered eyes. "What's the point of keeping these torn clothes on you?"

Yan Tuo slowly released her hand, the palm and fingertips still retaining some of the softness of her skin.

Oddly, as the temperature dropped, he felt somewhat relieved. However, his body felt heavy, and his limbs could barely move. After exerting force to grip her hand just now, his arms now felt weak and sore, like noodles.

Nie Jiuluo didn't look at him again, focusing on cutting and tearing the clothes into pieces, throwing them into the trash can beside the sofa. Once she finished cutting the top, she asked him, "What about your legs? Were they scratched? Any on your back?"

Yan Tuo wanted to say "no," but he couldn't be sure. Sometimes, in urgent situations, even if you were injured, you didn't feel it.

Seeing his expression, Nie Jiuluo knew it was best not to rely on him. She carefully examined his pants and cut the area on the front side of his right thigh where there was indeed a scratch.

Then she asked him to turn over. Fortunately, his back was fine; when he fell, he landed on his back, and the assailant mainly attacked from the front.

After completing these tasks, she went to the door, picked up a bag of items that she had ordered to be delivered, and after rummaging through it, she took out a large pack of disposable medical alcohol wipes. She pulled out three sheets and wiped his wound on the collarbone.

When the alcohol touched the open wound, it stung terribly. Yan Tuo involuntarily recoiled, feeling a tingling sensation in his skin. Nie Jiuluo paused, "You better cooperate a bit. I'm not obligated to do this."

Yan Tuo didn't say anything. As she wiped again, he endured the discomfort without flinching. Occasionally, his skin twitched involuntarily, a natural response he couldn't control.

After finishing wiping, the trash can was now half full of bloody tissues. She sprinkled some hemostatic and anti-inflammatory powder on his deeper wounds, wiped her hands, and went into the bathroom.

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