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"Jisoo, this is serious. You and V are both at the peak of your careers, and this kind of scandal could destroy your popularity. Even if we manage to suppress it, the damage will already be done," J-Hope warned, his voice heavy with concern.

"But if we do nothing, it'll be worse," Stacey chimed in. "People will believe it’s true, and you’ll struggle to land good roles after this."

The PR teams for both Jisoo and Taehyung were buzzing with ideas about the potential fallout, debating endlessly. But no one offered any real solutions.

The only silent ones were Jisoo, Taehyung, and the CEO of Star Force Entertainment. They sat in quiet contemplation, each lost in the gravity of the situation. Slowly, the frantic discussions died down, and the room became eerily quiet. Only the ticking of the clock and the subtle sound of their breathing filled the air.

It was the CEO who finally spoke, breaking the silence. “People are easily manipulated by emotions. One day they idolize you; the next day, they tear you down. It’s a never-ending cycle.”

Taehyung nodded. “They thrive on gossip. Make one wrong move, and it’s over. But in this case, no matter what we do, we lose.”

Jisoo had been sitting with her eyes closed, thinking deeply. Finally, she spoke, her voice calm but resolute. “Then use me. Use my past to control the narrative. I’ll play the victim card.” Her voice was cold, her decision final. “My parents are gone. They’re not going to come back and haunt me for using their deaths as an excuse. Release a statement that I lost them during my trainee days, and that V helped me through it. I was suicidal, and he gave me hope. Say he’s the reason I became an idol and found love and affection after losing everything.”

The CEO hesitated. “But—”

“Do you have a better idea?” she cut him off sharply.

“But how will you handle this? It’s personal for you, Jisoo.”

“Ha! Here’s some news for you—I’m a star. There’s nothing personal left in my life.”

The room exhaled collectively, the tension dissipating as her words sank in. They had a plan, but Jisoo’s bitterness lingered. She had offered herself up as the sacrifice, but deep down, it didn’t feel right.

Later, as she sipped her Americano, gazing over the sprawling city of Seoul from the company’s rooftop, she heard footsteps behind her.

“You didn’t need to do that,” came the familiar voice.

Taehyung. The last person she wanted to see right now.

“You pretend to be strong by using your weaknesses,” he said softly. “But you're not. You’re just getting used to the pain. You’re tolerating it.”

“I don’t have a choice. It’s too late,” she said, her voice cracking as a tear escaped from the corner of her eye.

“I’m sorry. For everything,” Taehyung murmured, sincerity in every word.

“It’s not your fault. We never should have met,” she replied, her tone detached. Taehyung would’ve preferred her anger—anything but this cold indifference.

“What is he planning?” she asked, turning to face him.

“Your guess is as good as mine,” he said with a small, rueful smile.

Their eyes met, both searching for answers neither could find. Something was coming, something big. And neither of them could stop it.

 And neither of them could stop it

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