Chapter 1: Light of darkness.

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A puzzle alive place with many stair, upside down rooms and an endless space; Infinity palace.

In the middle of the infinity, sat a woman holding a Biwa, playing continuously to arrange the palace.
she,who served the great Lord of demon, A esteem being.
A voice which pierced throw the thick silence, belong to none other than the king, the owner of her castle.
"Call the uppermoons. "
"String!!", without any other word uttered.
All the palace changes and the presence of seven people-Demons starts to spread their fearful aura.

" Ne~Gyokko-dono, your pot are becoming more and more prettier " Chriped none other than the owner of rainbow eyes and Platinum hair; the upper moon 2-Douma.
"I know~ Douma-dono. Hyuk hyuk"
Gyokko answered with a smile and light blush in his face.
"Ugly fish" A famine voice insulted the Fish Alive demon making a mark in his face, which belong to Daki; uppermoon 6.
"How dare you!? You pesky woman!"
Growled the said demon with anger.
"Ne, ne calm down you two!! " Douma tried to stop the fight with a big, fake, smile.
" Hm? Ah! Akaza-dono~" Douma delightly hugged the pink haired demon, whom he consider as his friend making him angry.
A irked mark form on his head.
"Let go of me."
"Ne~why are you so cruel? I just want to get close to you." Rainbow eyed Demon said with a fake pout and a hurt look on his face.
"why can't we be friends?~" Douma said giving a puppy look as akaza push of his hand off his waist,because which douma starts to whine.
"They started again" Mumbled gyutaro rolling his eyes.
"Yeah! "
"As always. "
All the demons present there agreed with gyutaro's statement.
"Shut up." A deep voice commanded throw the wall of disarranged space.
The first moon is also here.

"Muzan-sama has arrived."

A sentence, and every demon tensed and kneel down, because the strongest existence has arrived.
"Greeting master" All the demons acknowledge the presence of the demon Lord in a sync.
"My moons, Do you know that you all are only giving me failure. " A Stern voice that sends shivers through the moons spine.
"Forgive me.......... " Apologize the strongest moon and all the other moon kept their mouth shut not knowing what to say .
"You are all are becoming useless. " Plum red eyes only showing Malice look down towards the moon which are struggling to even kneel properly.

The pressure and the tension was so thick that it can be cut with a knife.

"Disappointment, disappointment and disappointment thats the only thing you're all are giving. "
"But muzan-sam-
"Shut up"
"Don't give excuses, I don't want to hear it. "
Uppermoon two's head roll down from his neck
"Find blue spiderlily and the ubuyashiki family, did I make myself clear? "
Bloody eyes stared down the moons making clear if they said anything beyond they'll lose their life for sure.

"Yes.....we will not fail you......again"
The first moon blankly said to which everyone just nodded.
"Good.leave."with that the demon progenitor left, leaving behind the so-powerful-moon which are nothing in front of him.
As soon as he left they all took the breath which they were holding this long.
"Ara, muzan-sama was angry over nothing" Douma's head spoke as his body stand up to pick his head up, joining it to his neck again.

"Stupid, don't say anything regarding muzan-Sama's wisdom." Akaza scolded Douma cause everyone knows 'that man' can hear everything.who knows what will happen if 'that man' hear douma's words.
Little did they know there was someone else there too.

"ano........." A soft small famine voice, almost angelic ecoed through the palace's walls.
They all turned around to the source of the voice and saw a beautiful child alike short woman with the most beautiful Golden sun like eyes.
Thick, long light blue eyelashes which bounce with every blink, Downturned eyebrows , showing a worried look and the sky coloured short shoulder length hair and long bang which are longer than the rest of her short hair.

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