Chapter 3: Salvation- pt.2

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Hello! Mortals, well you see I know I was away for sometime but don't worry now 'cause I'll give regular updates from now on. But after this chapter the chapters will be short.

' Hello' this is when tiara is speaking in English.

Votes, comments, share are appreciated and if you like please follow. Thanks!!

Happy reading!!

Kokushibo stared at his closed window and then stared at the antique clock of his room, it was 6 p.m. Sun has already set hour ago, his master has left for his trip last night,  soon after the conversation they had, he looked at the mirror which reflected his image, he truly has become a monster.....
'I should go check on lady tiara if she has woken up'
So he does, he get off of his bed and walked towards the door, he open the door and start to walk toward stairs which leads up in the third floor , where the lady's room is.
He walked with the same blank expression he always wear, thinking nothing, he is the strongest after muzan now, he has nothing to think of, nothing to worry about, he is not a human anymore, maybe he is really free, but..... Is he really free? . He doesn't know.
He stopped before his queen's room and softly knocked at door, not wanting to wake her up if she's sleeping. Only to notice that the room's door is open. He hesitate  at first, it's a lady's room after all, should he go in?.
He eventually entered the room.

In a western king sized bed with the softest looking thick blanket and big pillows surrounded the small sleeping figure of the woman.
'She...... Looks so disheveled and vulnerable' was the first thought that came to kokushibo's mind.
She was sleeping soundly, her whole body was covered in thick blankets and big soft pillows. Only her sky blue hair was visible, all messy but beautiful.

Honestly kokushibo wouldn't think much of it but that form of her vulnerability made her too cute to ignore.

He walk closer to the bed, but suddenly his master words came to him 'Don't wake her up if she's sleeping'.
Kokushibo stopped on his track and starts scanning the entire room, he noticed a western wooden chair parallel to the bed, he walk towards it, decided to settle down in it and wait until she wake up.

Honestly, kokushibo saw many things in this mansion first time in his life, western things are not common for normal people to even heard about in Japan, but kokushibo was a noble so he have seen few western objects and furniture before too, but now as his inhumane master prefer western things or maybe because of his wife, who is maybe from West, he chosen Western furniture to decorate this mansion.
Kokushibo's six eyes stared at the smaller sleeping figure 'how can a cruel and ruthless being like his master have someone like her as his spouse? '
But it's not like he can question his master choices...
He noticed movement of his sleeping queen, he halt all his thought and observe the little demon before him.
"Mhmm.... Mu-kun~.. " She stretch herself and slowly sit up  before making eye contact with her dazed eyes with the first moon.

"Oh..... " She rubbed her eyes wanted to look more clearer.
Kokushibo stand up and greeted her with a bow "greetings, my queen , I'm kokushibo uppermoon 1 , I'll be taking care of you until muzan-sama returns".
She giggle at the greetings before explaining the reason for her laugh.
" You know, only mu-kun call me 'my Queen'. " She look at kokushibo with doe like eyes.
"My -ah-oh... Name's tiara, yeah! Tiara kibutsuji!! " She introduced herself.
Kokushibo gave her a confused look for shuttering like that.
"Well, my Japanese is not good..... Ah-um.. How do you say because....? " She asked to herself in low voice.
Kokushibo again gave her confused look asked " Are you new in Japan? " Actually kokushibo was sure that tiara has been in Japan for a while at least. But kokushibo didn't understand why tiara in not able to talk in Japanese much fluently.

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