Chapter 2: Salvation

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This chapter and few upcoming chapters will be flashbacks. Hope you enjoy!!
Votes and comments are appreciated.
Happy reading!!

In a beautiful mansion present between the thick forest which contain the most powerful existence; The demon king.
He Look down at his uppermoons - now the past uppermoons- with disappointment. "You're all dismissed" Commanded the demon Lord. As he himself faded from there.
Leaving behind the 3 other moons with kokushibo, who has already claimes the position of uppermoon 1 even though he just become demon just 3-4  decades ago.

"He's too rude. Isn't he? " Asked the 3rd moon to his friend and colleague.
"Yeah. He is" Remarked the second moon.
Kokushibo watch them talking, well, more like gossiping.

Honestly, he didn't mind, he just wanted too leave, go to his home.
Well, not his home, he had killed a rich family, few years back and now he lived at thier mansion, actually he liked the mansion it was between forest and in the top of a mountain,  there was no one to disturb him.

He wanted to leave, and-
"Mu-kun! Are you there?" Yelled out a famine voice, no, it can't be counted as yelling it was very low to be called one.
Everyone look behind, including kokushibo, just  to witness a petite, sexy demon woman meeting their eyes in return.

Kokushibo was little far from others and the woman. He could still feel a powerful scent on the woman.
His mind warn him - don't mess with that woman- kokushibo decided to follow his guts and stay away from them and.....her.
As soon as she saw them ,she became stiff and spoke in a timid way yet in a bouncing voice.
"Huh?! You're not mu-kun, Apologies!!" She said as she bowed.

"My? who's this pretty woman? " Commented one of them.
" She looks weak, tch! " Other clicked his tongue on her.
"Hahaha.. You're right" Another laughed at her.
The women flinched and put her both hand on her chest in a timid way, and look down.
Kokushibo didn't do anything, just started to leave but as he took few step he heard whimpers.
He turned his head and stopped on his track when he saw tears on her eyes, which glimmer like sun. No matter what they think, kokushibo has to acknowledge, that the woman's eyes were beautiful, no, she whole was beautiful, but her eyes- it was literally just like the sun.

"You know what, maybe she is a playtoy for that man." Said one of them, she flinched at the sentence, more whimpers starts to appear.
"Yeah! You're right, she even look like a slut".
" Right. Look at her clothes. " He pointed at her oversized plain white shirt which showed her collar line and thighs, it was a western shirt, which kokushibo only saw 'that man' wearing.
'Is she really related to 'that man'? '

"Yeah, I think she a fuck toy, hah! "
Kokushibo isn't fond of watching drama but his subconscious mind still wanted to stay.
Kokushibo watch her from a corner, her eyes filled with so much tears that a tear slip from her eyes. And then another, and again another.

"Hic-hic.. Uwaaaa-aaah hic, hic... " She cried out, big tear fell from her eyes. She sobbed and chokes on her sobs.
She tried too wipe her tears with her palm, which was futile, she really was crying like a child.
"She looks like pig, hah! " Mocked one of them.

'Pig? Hell no,she looks like an angel, even in her crying form.'
Maybe kokushibo wanted to say that, but didn't.
his friend's head fall from his neck. They all gasped at the sudden movement, so fast, nobody see it coming.
Kokushibo knelt 'cause he understand what's happening.

" How dare you? " A deep angry voice growled at them, they flinched and start to tremble because the voice belong to none other than muzan, kibutsuji muzan, the father of demons.
He hugged the blue haired demoness and ask "what happened? Tia, why are crying? Who made my little wife cry? Dear."

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