2: A Leaf In The Wind

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A 22 year old girl walks into the lobby of the Republic City police station. Her emerald eyes dart around before Lin walks around the corner, looking right at Jade.

 Her emerald eyes dart around before Lin walks around the corner, looking right at Jade

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(Jade Voice Claim: Overwatch 2 Vantage.)

Jade: Wait a minute. Are you Chief Beifong?

Lin appears.

Lin: In the flesh. You're straight out of the United Forces, aren't you?

Jade: I am, but I left a while ago. Name's Jade. I enlisted at 11. Top of my squadron. And I've also heard about the kid who lit up the block in nothing but neon. And a girl riding away on a... polar bear dog? Were the reports right about that? Cause that sounds crazy.

Lin: Yeah. That. It was chaotic to say the least, but they've been away. Asides from that, having an someone with such experience like yourself will do wonders for the department.

Jade: Yeah, I know. Apart from the usual Bending related robberies not a whole lot has been happening.

Lin: Well Jade, you'll make yourself useful here.

Jade: That I will, Chief Beifong. 

However, a pair of criminals melt their way through the bars holding them around the corner. The two men stop once they see Jade standing there.

Jade: Okay, you guys. Back to your cell.

The criminals proceed to walk forward nonetheless.

Jade: I said; back to your cell!

The 1st criminal throws a firey punch to Jade, but Jade hardens her fist in pure emerald. She then catches the criminals' fist as they watch on in terror.

Jade: Haha. Told ya.

Jade headbutts the 1st criminal away as the 2nd goes in to attack Jade as well, but she simply stomps down on the floor, a small stump of emerald causes him to trip over and stumble towards Jade. As he looks up, Jade kicks him in the face, knocking him out. Earthbending police officers begin to put the criminals in the freezer to suppress their firebending.

As Jade walks deeper into the police station, she remembers how she enlisted in the first place.

7 years ago.

An 11 year old Jade watches as her father's dead body is laying still while she looks out from her hiding spot. As for her mother, Beryl she's bleeding out profusely. In front of them, are plenty of motionless bodies of bandits. Jade looks at Beryl with hurt.

Jade: Mommy...

Beryl looks right back at her daughter.

Beryl: You did a good job by hiding, but now you'll have to be strong from here on out. Never forget that you're special... You always were since the day I had you...

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