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I'm going to get this out of the way too before I start the Prologue. I know there's many other Korra stories, but I figured I might as well do my own take on it cause 1; watching ATLA inspired me to do this. And 2; I also had a Korra story in the back of my mind for years like Safeguard.

With all of that out of the way, your form of Bending in this story is...

NEONBENDING! In any way possible that you use it, the color of it is in this picture below.

NEONBENDING! In any way possible that you use it, the color of it is in this picture below

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With this type of Bending, you're able to...

● Emit neon whenever you find yourself in a dark place. Cause fuck flashlights and torches am I right?

● Channel your Bending through a sword in which the blade is merely composed of neon. The sword is able to cut through nearly all types of materials. If thrown, the sword can be controlled in the air via your Bending.



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●Due to coming from a mother that hails from the Northern Water Tribe and a father that hails from the Fire Kingdom colonies, you're able to draw strength from both the sun and the moon, yet you share the weaknesses from both trees of Bending

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●Due to coming from a mother that hails from the Northern Water Tribe and a father that hails from the Fire Kingdom colonies, you're able to draw strength from both the sun and the moon, yet you share the weaknesses from both trees of Bending.

● You can run around at a fast speed as an intangible human sized shape of neon to quickly subdue a target while being unharmed as well. You can still swing your sword and use your Bending in this form however in addition to being able to fly as well due to your Firebender heritage. 

●Your punches and kicks are capable of putting holes through steel whenever your Bending fails you.

● Emit neon lasers from your eyes, very similarly to heat vision.

●Utilize tendrils made of neon that protrude from your arms to either harm foes, assist allies, or carry items.

● Shoot bolts of neon from your hands or feet which can be fatal or non fatal, unleash violent blasts of light to redirect projectiles, break walls, or stun targets by blinding them. You can even toss bombs made of neon, charge beams of neon, and utilize Neonbending in other limited various ways for offense and defense such as casting walls of neon or shields of neon on yourself or others that are sturdy enough to block earth, fire, and water. The beams appear as such in the picture below.

● You can also utilize Neonbending as a way to jump as high to a tall tree's height, or even higher than that

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● You can also utilize Neonbending as a way to jump as high to a tall tree's height, or even higher than that.

● But that's not all. Unless you're pissed, like absolutely supremely pissed, the power of your Bending is boosted tenfold to a very deadly degree as your body is covered in not neon, but blazing hot plasma instead. However this does not mean you are as powerful as an Avatar in The Avatar State, but you're mighty in your own right. There is a plus to this after all. Your plasma is even greatly more hotter than the fires that any Firebender can create, especially Azula's.

Here's your outfit after the timeskip leading into Episode 1 once you're quite older.

Here's your outfit after the timeskip leading into Episode 1 once you're quite older

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And finally, your age throughout Searing Neon, & Korra's:
Book 1: 18.
Books 2 & 3: 19. 
Book 4 & Onwards: 21.

Also Asami's:
Book 1: 18.
Books 2 & 3: 19.
Book 4 & Onwards: 22.

So yeah that's about it, see ya until the Prologue.

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