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In order to help keep you dudes busy until I finish Books 2 & 3 of ATLA, here's a Prologue. It won't be too overly long with 3k words, but it'll be something.


A Waterbending woman yells as she's in labor. While her child is being born, blue colored light erupts from her eyes and her mouth as a child is pushed out from their mother. The doctors quickly attend to the child and doing the usual routine to separate said child from the mother. When the child is firmly wrapped in a blanket. They are then given to their mother who holds them with care as the father looks on.

Doctor: Congrats, you two. It's a boy.

The father gets to his wife's side, kissing her cheek and smiling at his child.

Naomi: He looks so beautiful.

Naomi gives her child to his Firebending father and her husband, Hiran.

Hiran: I spent last week thinking of a name for him. It took me a while, but his name is Y/N. He may not know his nature of being a Bender, but he will eventually. We'll provide him the guidance he'll need in time.

Naomi: We sure will.

Suddenly, you start to cry. Naomi holds you close and cradles you with love.

Naomi: Shh shh shh shh... it's okay. You're okay, my son. It's okay.

And with that, your cries die out. As you straighten your index finger, a bolt of Light flies out from it, and goes right through the wall. It startles everyone, but your parents are surprised.

Hiran: This early? I thought his Bending would come at a later age!

Naomi: And it was pure neon... it seems our son is a special case of not having Fire or Water.

Hiran: Regardless, we'll find a way to hone his abilities in time.

A 2nd doctor walks up to the parents.

Doctor 2: We've done scans before, and no traces of his powers appeared. But for them to appear now, as he just put a hole through a wall, it makes me glad he'll grow up the right way. In a loving family.

Naomi: Y/N truly will.

The parents smile.

8 years later.

After waking up from another day of having your Neonbending abilities be honed, you yawn. Getting out of bed, you grab your plush toy of a saber-tooth moose lion. However, a dark skinned girl with stunning blue eyes ran right past your door. Intrigued, you open your door and see her. Confused as to how to start a conversation, you start it the only way you know how.

Y/N: Uh... hi. What's your name?

Korra: It's Korra! Yours?

Y/N: Y/N. What brings you here?

Korra taps your shoulder to point at Naomi and Hiran. But what takes you by surprise is Tenzin standing there. Going downstairs, you hop at him.

Y/N: The Avatar! The Avatar is here! Thank you for helping us, Mr. Avatar!

Tenzin chuckles.

Tenzin: Wouldn't be the first time I heard this. But she is the Avatar. (gestures his hand to Korra)

Y/N: Huh? The Avatar is right here? No way... (you look to Korra) Korra, do you wanna be my friend?

Korra: Mmhm!

You and Korra shake hands frantically with a laugh. You are then met by Korra's mother, Senna. She waves at you with a smile.

Senna: I know you and Korra are going to be close. You're both meant to be as friends.

Korra: Searing NeonWhere stories live. Discover now