MHA: Izuku; The Bard of UA

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Former Information:


Former Name: Izuku Midoriya

Mother: Mira Midoriya (Hero Name: Swan) {OC}

Civilian Job: Teacher

Quirk: Song (She Can Sing People to Sleep if they Hear her sing)

Picture Here: (She looks Like Raine, But without The Pointed Ears)

Mother: Inko Midoriya (Hero Name: Levatate)

Picture Here:

Siblings: None

Quirk: Quirkless

Personality: Kind, Caring, Shy, Has a Stutter, Heroic

Appearance: He Has Green/Slightly Black Fluffy Hair and Electric Green Eyes, Freckles and Wears the Uniform Of his Elamentry School With Black Pants and Has Red Shoes, Showing his Quirklessness.

Picture here:


Current Bio:


Name: Raine Whispers (They Changed Their Name, Their mothers Let Them)

Gender: Non-Binary

Species: Witch

Pronouns: They/Them

Weapons: Violin/Flute

Quirk; Bard Magic

Personality: At first glance, Raine is timid and easily flustered. Despite being the current Head Witch of the Bard Coven, Raine ironically suffers from stage fright and struggles with making public speeches, as seen in their Head Witch initiation ceremony. Like Eda, Raine values magical freedom and opposes Emperor Belos' methods of controlling magic by force under the Coven System.

Despite their shyness, Raine's true self shines in their cause. A capable leader and skilled tactician, Raine is not afraid to make hard choices and ask hard questions. They are crafty and resourceful, having executed multiple raids against the Emperor's Coven, and almost succeeding in infiltrating Emperor Belos' mind. Raine is very successful at deception as well, fooling everyone, even Eda, that they were in support of the emperor, in order to throw off suspicion.

Raine is shown to be extraordinarily selfless and determined.

They spent months pretending to be under Terra Snapdragon's control, endured Terra's constant mistreatment placidly, even though Terra was condescending and cruel, and even reluctantly fighting Eda in order to maintain their cover as a brainwashed coven head. In all these, Raine is willing to do anything for their cause, no matter how much it may cost them emotionally.

They are also playful and fun-loving, evidenced by the fact they went out of their way to name their rebel sect the CATs (Covens Against the Throne) much to the despair of their new ally Darius Deamonne, their shameless teasing of Eda, their joking around with the Bards Against the Throne, and their love of messing with Coven Scouts.

Raine's belief in freedom was so strong that they were also willing to sacrifice themself to take out Eberwolf and Darius Deamonne in "Eda's Requiem" in order to prevent the Day of Unity and save all the witches. However, upon noticing that Eda had children, they stopped the spell, and decided theirs and Eda's sacrifice was ultimately not worth it.

This choice ended up being the right one for Raine, as Eberwolf and Darius eventually became their allies upon learning they all shared a mutual enmity against Belos.


Powers and Abilities: Magic: As a witch, Raine is able to use magic. Like all witches, their connection to magic comes from a sac of magic bile attached to their heart. Having earned the rank of coven leader, they are undoubtedly very magically skilled. Belos additionally describes them as having "always [been] annoyingly powerful."

Bard Magic: As the leader of the Bard Coven, Raine is able to use music to manipulate the world around them. This allows them to nullify spells from other witches, make things levitate, and take control of any people who can hear their music. Raine is an expert at several instruments, granting them a wide range to cast magic with;[8] they can even perform Bard spells using sounds without an instrument, such as whistling.[4] Raine is noted to be an exceptionally talented Bard, as they manage to rise to the rank of Head Witch by skill alone, despite their stage fright.

Violin Playing: Raine is a skilled violist and uses their violin to cast their Bard spells. They can use their violin to cast cutting shockwaves.

Instrument Summoning: Raine can also summon and dispel musical instruments at will. While they primarily use a violin, they can also summon different instruments, such the bell cittern owned by Eda.

Matter Annihilation: They somehow managed to create (or find) a Bard spell replicating the corrosive interaction Eda's curse had with Bard magic, and were able to use it without an instrument or even their fingers through whistling.

Storm Generation: Raine is able to conjure a miniature storm with their magic.

Chemical Manipulation: Even as a young student, they were able to use Bard magic through whistling (without the need to use an instrument or even their fingers) to alter the chemical composition of a beverage. As a coven head, they were able to neutralize a brainwashing tea right under the nose of another coven head with her being none the wiser.

Smokescreen creation: They can use a wind instrument, in their case a flute, to create a smokescreen.

Willpower: Raine has a strong will, being able to fight back after Belos takes control of their body and even force him out of them.


Normal Clothes: Raine wears large round glasses, a gray earring on their right ear and Wears a Brown Vest (Or Tunic) With a Brown Belt, Crimson Pants and black, knee-high boots.

Hero Costume: In "Eda's Requiem", they are shown to be wearing an altered version of the BATs uniform: a long, black tunic with a maroon collar, gold trim, three gold buttons, a brown belt, crimson pants and black, knee-high boots.


Love Interest: Eda Clawthorne

Picture Here:


Likes: Spicy food

Die Bard 2 (favorite movie)



Dislikes: Speaking or performing before an audience

Corny speeches written by their BAT colleagues

Eda's lies

Eda in danger

Ghoul Aid (drink)


Appearance: Raine is a middle-aged witch with medium brown skin and mint-green hair with white streaks near the bottom. They have darker mint green eyebrows, and green eyes.

In "Watching and Dreaming", as a result of Belos's possession, they gained tear-esque scars running down their cheeks, as well as additional scarring on their lower right ear and right arm. Their hair has also grown longer and bushier.

In the epilogue, their hair has turned fully white, is slightly shorter, and styled differently.

Words: 1036

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