Chapter 3, Telling Parents, Back to School and Training!

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👤Third POV👤

Location: The Midoriya House-Hold, Night time/Yesterday

"Okay. . . What About. . . Raine Whispers?"

Eda Smiled At the Name and Said "I Think It Suits You, Izuku, Do you Want me To call you Raine Whispers From now On?" She Asked and They Nodded

"Please, We Can Tell My Mothers Tomorrow, I'm Tired, Do you Want to go back to my Room or do you Want To sleep on The Couch? Raine asked, Looking up at Eda, Since she was Taller Before the Change Occurred.

"I Can Go with you To Your Room, Since I was Sleeping there Before You Woke Me up When you Got up Earlier!" Eda Replied

Raine Nodded before going up Upstairs to Their Room, Eda Followed Them, They Will have to Change the Posters Soon on the walls.


"H-Huh, Oh Sorry, I'm Still Getting used to Having Another Name Besides Izuku Midoriya" They Said, Turning to Eda.

"What is It?" They asked as Eda Went into Deep Thought, Raine Waited Patiently For Eda to say What She Wanted too.

"We Could do Reaserch on Bard Magic and I Could Teach you some Bard Spells if you like?" Eda Replied and Raine Blinked.

"O-Of Course, we can Even make our Own Music if you like, Together?" Raine said, Sitting back down On their Bed and Eda done the Same with the Foton Raine Gave her to sleep on.

"I'd Like That Raine" Eda Said, Smiling at them.

They Nodded and Smiled as Well, Then got Under Their Covers and fell asleep.


~A few Hours Earlier~

Mira got Woken Up By Soft Foot Falls as Someone Went down Stairs to The Kitchen and She Went to see What was Wrong.

She Went down Stairs Quietly and Was By the Doorway Eavesdropping On Her Son and Eda.

". . .N-No I'm not Hurt, I Just don't Know What to go By now, I Mean By Pronouns" Izuku Said

Pronouns? Is Izuku Having a Crisis and We Weren't there to Help!?

Mira Couldn't Believe She Missed this, Let alone Missed the Signs! She Should Have Payed More attention To them.

Mira Heard Her Son Laugh and Smiled

Thank you for Helping Him Eda. . .

"Then I Want My Pronouns To be They/Them" Izuku Said

Right, Pronouns! I Will always Respect your Wishes, My Dear

Mira, Before she was Seen Quietly Went back up Stairs and Went Back to bed, She Couldn't Wait to hear What Their son had to tell Her and Inko.


👤Third POV👤

Location: The Midoriya House-Hold, The Next Morning

Raine. . .



Raine Felt they Where Being Shook and Do To Always Getting up Early, They Shot up a Bit to Fast and Colided With Eda and The both of Them Held their head as Raine Apoligized.

"Eda!? Are you Alright, Did I Hurt you? I'm Sorry!" Raine asked and Eda Chuckled Slightly. "It's Alright Raine, It Doesn't hurt that Much, I Just didn't know you would do that"

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