Chapter 5, Carving Palisman, Training, Meeting the beast and Saving Bakugou

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👤Third POV👤

~One Week Later~

Location: Midoriya House-Hold, Raine's Room

Raine Was In Their Room Waiting For Eda to Get there So They could Go to Dagoba Beach To Train for the Second time.

While They Waited, Raine Read A Book on Bard Magic that Eda Gave them.

"Here Raine!" Eda Said, Handing them The Book On bard Magic That They both used At the Beach That Tuseday.

"Don't you need it?" Raine Asked, Taking the book From her Hands, Raine's Hand Brushed Eda's and She almost Dropped The book While Passing it over to Them.

"N-No I Mean-You Can Have it Raine, I Already Read All of it!" Eda Replied, Blushing Slightly While Trying not to Chock on her Words.

"Um. . . Eda, Are you sure your Okey?"


"Well, alright I'll Take it, Thank you!"

"You Don't Have to thank Me Rainestorm, I'll Get anything For you" She Replied, Smiling at them.

*Knock, Knock!*

Raine Snapped Out of their Thoughts While Getting Up From Their Bed.

They Closed The Book on Bard Magic and set it on Their Bedside table and Went to Open the Door.

Eda Was On the Other Side, In the Hallway.

"Hey Rainstorm! You ready to go?" Eda asked, While Grabbing their hand and Dragging Them down Stairs "H-Hey. Of Course I am, How could I Not be When I'm With you?" Raine Asked When Eda Stopped To Say goodbye to Raine's Parents.

"Bye Mom!"

"Don't do anything, I Wouldn't do! And Be Safe Please!" Mira Asked

"We Won't Mom" Raine said and Then They and Eda were Out the door.

Both of Them Walked In Comfortable silence While Raine Listened to a Tune in Their Head, Humming softly to it.

"So. . . Have You Read the book I Gave you?" Asked Eda

Raine Hummed and Said "I Have, It Said that Bards Use What Comes from the heart to make music, Is that True?"

They Continued Walking to The Beach,While Eda Answered Them "Yeah, It's True, That's What makes Bard Magic so Beautiful, It Comes From Your Feelings And Heart For Everyone to hear, But Only Those That Know the Person and the One It's Intended for Will Know the True Meaning Of the Lyrics"

They Were Here already, But Stood There for Awhile, Raine was Suddenly Struck with the realization that they May Love Edalyn clawthorne and That made Them Smile Affectionately at her When She Turned to Them.

"Raine? Are you Okay? You're looking at me Weird" Eda Asked them

"I'm Fine, I Just had A Realization is all" Raine Replied, Smiling Normally This time.

"And That Is?" She asked Right back, Raine Flushed Slightly, Their face Going pink.

"I-It's Nothing Eda" They Stuttered Slightly, Feeling Like a Coward now When She Frowned at them.

She Doesn't Need to know Yet, Not Right now, Something is on Her Mind

Raine Sighed and Looked at the Beach in front of them, It was Terrible. There was Trash Everywhere, Blocking the View of the Ocean.

"Let's Clean this Up While We're Training, I bet It'll Look Beautiful afterwards!" Eda Said

Raine Smiled again and Nodded

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22 ⏰

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