Chapter 2, Going to the Quirk Doctor, Changing Names and Finding Out Pronouns!

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TW: Miss gendering (On Purpose)

👤Third POV👤

Location: The Midoriya House-Hold

Izuku Was Still On The Couch When Inko Got up from the Arm chair and Knelt In front of him, He was Confused about why She was Doing so, When She Spoke.

"Hunny? Are you okay?" She asked

"I Told you, I'm Fine, Better Even, That's What I Told Eda, Why?" Izuku Replied, Confused

"We Need to Get You an Appointment With The Quirk Doctor and Change Your Quirk Status" Mira Said

"Okay, I don't Understand, I Feel Fine?"

"Hang On a Second, I'll Get a Mirror! Eda Replied, Running into the bathroom Where a Hand Mirror Laid On the Sink Counter, She Grabbed it and Ran Back Giving It to Izuku To Look at His Reflection.

Izuku Lifted the Mirror Up to his Face and Saw Brilliant Green Eyes Staring Back at him.

His Appearance Had Changed, His Pointed ears Flicked Up When He Heard his Friend Sit down Beside him.

"Awe, your Ears Move Like mine do When they Hear A Sound, That's Cute!" Eda Said Smiling At him

That Comment Had Him Flustered and His Mothers Laughed

"Thank you. . . Eda, When Is My Appointment Going to be?" His Flustered Blush Faded and He Turned Serious

"I Can Make it For Tomorrow If You like?" Mira Asked and Izuku Nodded to her.

"Thank you"

"You're So Cool!"

"Huh?" Izuku's Serious Expression Melted into confusion and He Looked Over To Eda and Yelped in surprise When He Had Found that Eda's Face was Close to His.

Then She Began Talking About his "Supposed Magic" When He Knocked His Former Friend Into a Tree and Knocked him out With a Golden Beam of Magic When He Whistled.

". . . Then BAM He Was Knocked Out Cold By Your Magic, And Then You Were On The Ground And Passed out, Your Mother and I Came here So You Could Recover From The Stress Of Everything! Explained Eda as Izuku relaxed and Smiled at her.

Mira and Inko Were In the Kitchen Talking While the Kids Were In the Living Room.

"Do You think He Likes Her?"

"Oh, Of Course Hun, He Relaxed Right away When Eda Began Talking!" Inko Whispered as Not to Let the kids hear.

Mira Chuckled Slightly And Said "I Was The Same with You Dear, It took me Forever To Ask you Out!

"Yes You did, And When You Eventually did, I Was So Happy That you asked me, Than after When we Graduated and Found Stable Jobs (Besides being Heroes) We Got Married and Had Izuku"

Mira Chuckled Nervously and Smiled Sheepishly.

"I Love You, You Dork"

Inko Kissed Mira and She Was Shocked, Mira Was the Usual One to Kiss Inko and See her Get all Flustered.

Inko Pulled Back and Smirked at her.

Oh, She Really Loved Her, Mira Felt Like She was On Cloud Nine.

"Anyway, Mira are We Going to Make an Appointment For Izuku and Figure Out Why his appearance Changed?" Inko asked, Once again Serious

"O-Oh Yeah, Let's Get to it!" Mira said, Taking out her Phone and Calling the Quirk Registry Building, She Was Directed to The desk of the Doctor's Section of the Building.

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