Chapter 4, Glasses, palistrom Wood and Meeting The clawthornes

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Location: Midoriya House Hold

👤Third POV👤

Raine Was at the Kitchen Table with Their Mothers, The Family of three Where Eating Breakfast and Raine was Playing with their food, Not really Eating anything and Inko Noticed this.

"Sweetheart, are you Alright?" She asked

They Blinked and Looked up at Inko and Smiled at her "I'm Fine (They Were not) It's Just Something is. . . Bothering me" Raine Said, Looking Down again.

Inko's Brow's Fuzed and She asked "Sweetheart What's Bothering you?, You Don't Have to Hide it From us, We Want to help you"

Raine Took A Deep Breath and Replied "I May Need Glasses. . . My Eye Sight Has Gotten a Little Blurry since Than. ."

Mira and Inko's eyebrow Raised In Surprise.

Mira Smiled at Raine "Than We Get you Some Glasses, So You can see Better and Be Stylish! Besides, I Think Eda Will like your New Glasses anyway"

Raine Smiled Slightly And Shook their head Fondly "Mom. . ."

"What? I'm Just Saying, You like her Don't You?" Mira Asked

"I-I Mean, Of Course I Do, I- Agh Mom!" Raine's Face Flushed and They Hid their Face in their Arms to get away From The Embarrassment Of it.

"Raine, Songbird We're not mad at you for Loving someone, Eda Might Even like you back!" Mira Replied, Smiling Gently at them

They pecked over Their arms and Asked "You think so?"

"That's For you And Eda To Decide, Not me Or inko" She Said

"Hm, Thanks. . . I Love you guys" Raine Replied, Smiling at them Both.

"We Love you too Raine" Inko And Mira Said, Smiling Back


Location: Eye Doctor's, Afternoon

👤Third POV👤

Raine was at The Eye Doctors to have Their eyes Checked and to get Some Glasses.

The Doctors did a Series of tests to see How bad Raine's eyes Where, One was On a Wall Far away from them and The Eye Doctor that was with them asked what Letters were at the Top and Made their way down From There.

Then Raine Had to Look Through One of those Magnifying Glass Picture Things (I Don't Know What They're Called) and Then Raine Looked for some Glasses That They Liked.

"Hey Mom, What About These?" Raine asked, Having a Pair Of Black Rimmed-Round Glasses on their Nose.

"You Look So Cute Sweetheart, We'll Take them!" Inko Said and One of the employees Noded and Raine Handed The Glasses that They Picked Out Over to The Female Employee.

She Went Behind the desk of her Station and rang them up, Inko and Mira Paid For Raine's Glasses. And The Woman Gave them Back to Them.

"Thank you" Inko Said

"We're Happy To help, Anytime, Thank you For Coming in today!" The Female Employee Replied, Nodding at Them


"Bye, Have a Good day!"


Location: The Clawthorne House-hold, Afternoon

Eda was In Her Room, Trying to Come up with a Way to Get palistrom Wood Without Her Dad, Dell Clawthorne Knowing about it, After Her Dad Got injured in an Accident That took Dell's Right Eye and his Hand (Not by The Owl Beast) He Stopped Carving Palisman For People, So he Could Heal from his Injury.

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