29| Micheal Dubois

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Marc's POV

(I changed the spelling of Mark's name.)

Micheal wanted a lot of things. He wanted me, but we had to hide our relationship and I knew how much that bothered him.

He also wanted to live a normal life. A life without fame. He didn't care about the money, the fame, or whatever else came with being a prodigy in the beginning. Slowly, the fame did get to his head, though.

He wanted more, but wanted less at the same time. I guess he sort of corrupted over time. I wouldn't be surprised if he did it himself since his issues caused him to have panic attacks and depression.

Despite him corrupting over time, I still loved him with all my heart. I wanted him back so badly. I loved him, I loved him, I loved him. Yet, I'd never see him again and that was a punch in the heart for me.

"Marc, get your butt over here!" Hannah exclaimed. We were in the middle of the forest and it was pretty dark outside. We tried going in the morning, but some adults shooed us away.

"That can't be what I think it is," I said as I leaned over. "Is that really Micheal's brooch?"

"Remember, he had a special one. His name was engraved inside of it, I remember!"

"Is everyones name engraved in their brooch?"

"Even if his name isn't in it, not many people have a brooch that looks like this."

She snapped it open and just like she said, his name was in it. "Woah," I muttered. "We've come so far."

"So his body must be around here, yeah?"

"I think so," I said. "If this is here, he must have been killed in this area considering that I can see Lilian Hall from here. I hope that we can at least find his body."

She raised her eyebrow. "Why do you want the body, Marc?"

"If we find it, we can report it and potentially find the murderer," I stated.

"Yeah, alright. I bet you two were really good friends," she commented. 


"It's pretty obvious my brother was straight and so are you, so I'm obviously joking."

"Is that sarcasm?" I asked. 

"Do you want it to be?" she asked. 

"What?" I said. 

"Never mind," she said. 

"No, elaborate, Hannah," I said. 

"I was texting Zach and apparently you and Micheal emailed each other using flirty nicknames. Remember the time he broke your computer?"

"We did that as a joke, obviously," I replied. 

"Yeah and my hair is yellow. Marc, don't tell me you dated my brother."

"And what if I did? What are you going to do, tell him to break up with me?"

She laughed, "I'm just playing with you."

At that moment, I realised why Micheal had to keep us a secret. Society would treat him like crap and his image would be destroyed along with mental health. That would've been his final straw, and he wasn't going to let that happen.

"Right. Now, what do we do with this?"

Hannah was holding it with her sleeve and she gently placed it in her pocket. "I didn't touch it, so maybe we can get it checked for fingerprints."

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