no strings on me...

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A man shaves his face as he looks in the mirror to a blue eyed and blond haired face he smiles before he gets dressed and walks to his living room showing his red vest and black formal wear before he sees the screen on his TV show the face of a man called carter fall the man picks up a pistol and loads it before accepting the bounty and he walks off.

In a highrise restaurant the famous mob boss carter fall sits with his family cinder and ember fall as they eat he snaps his fingers and a guard walks up showing a box and the father smiles at cinder before speaking "open it" she does and she sees a crimson red dress and the girl smiles and the father laughs and smiles at his family until a crash is heard and they look to see a robot with a red head wrap in a crouched position as it stands its yellow eyes land on carter who stands and waves his hands at the machine "deal with this!" The guards pull their pistols out and try to shoot but the crowd stops them and when they shoot the robot ducks and the shoots miss before it jumps and lands on a guard snapping his neck before impaling the other with his hand the robot sees the chef try to stab him but he grabs his face and pushes him into the screen wall shattering it and he drags him across it leaving a bloody red trail of gore and death before the next two guard step up and the family runs but cinder tries to go to her father who grabs her and runs to the elevator "get out of here!" the mother ember grabs a pistol and loads it as the guards strike the robot with a chair and that only pisses it off making it become shadowy black like a grimm and it steamrolls past them kill all in its way before its punched and then shot leaving a black mist confusing the guards who hold their weapons out and the mother looks to see the mist form the robot that then grabs the guard its behind and make him shoot his two friends before snapping his neck and as the body drops the mother shoots it only for the armor of the robot to make the bullet bounce off and ember looks at the pistol confused before she sees the robot sigh and shoot her "MAMA!" Conder cries as she is carried to the elevator by her father as she looks at him through the glass she cries "papa please!" the father smiles as he puts his hand on the glass "i love you" he says as she goes down to the ground level and he growls turning but is grabbed by the throat as the robot roars and he is smashed through the glass before he looks at the robot and he speaks "what the hell are you?" the robot pulls him close and looks into the man's soul "death..." he snaps his neck shattering his aura and then dropping the corpse and he walks off before stopping to look at the reflection of himself in the glass and he sees his human self in his velvet red vest and blond hair with a piece of glass in his neck and he pulls it out showing his robot self and he starts to hyperventilate before putting his hand on the glass showing a atlas manufactured logo and he growls before making his hand into a sharp point and then smashing the glass.

The room had two people in it one was at a desk while the other was in the shadows as a screen was showing general ironwood as he talked to a scientist "and how did project revenant go?" he says to the lab coat who gulps before speaking "well sir it went well but...the android lost its visual illusion tech so its-" before he could finish the shadow speaks "no longer bound to your strings flesh suit" the general looks shocked before the scientists neck is snapped and the robot grabs the computer and leans into its camera "don't bother trying to find me i'll find you..." the robot then smashes the screen and walks out of the room showing the dead bodies of guards and scientists alike and he walks down the dark hall a its lights flicker "i had strings but now i'm free..." the lights shut off as his voice echos "there are no string on me..."

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