ghostly red

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A man walked through the city wearing a red cloak as he looked around until he saw a dust store called "dust till dawn" the man cringed at the name before entering the store and looking around until he saw a girl with a cloak like his and he walked over next to her before looking at the items on the shelf and he looked at the girl before he heard a voice speak "keep her safe kaleb" he heard a crash and he looks to the stores counter to see thugs in suits walk around stealing dust before one walks to them and speaks "hands up! Now!" the girl was about to speak but the man next to her got infront of her and his deathly yellow eyes glare at the thug as he speaks "you all are like lambs to the slaughter" the rest of the thugs look at him and he removes his cloak showing the robot underneath it "and i'm the butcher" he jumps and throws the thug to the ground before he dodges a bullet from another and then tackling the next out the window and snapping his neck as the girl throws another out the window and he stands to see the girl look at him and he speaks "nice work" the girl nods and he looks around as a man in a bowler hat and a cane looks down at a knocked out thug "worth every penny..." the man then looks up at the two and speaks "well i'd love to continue this bout but i'm afraid this is where it ends red and..." he looks at the robot before the robot speaks "revenant" the man nods and aims his cane at them "well alright then!" a sight pops up and aims at the girl and revenant hears a woman's voice "don't let her get hurt kaleb" as the man pulls the trigger and a explosive round shoots at the girl revenants eyes glow and he gets in front of her and a explosion of smoke is seen and a bullhead flies overhead and a door opens before a rope falls and the man smiles before walking off but stops when he hears a voice "that voice telling you there's still hope?" The man stops and turns with fear as he sees a shadowy figure with glowing yellow eyes walk through the smoke as he says "it's lying..." the man grabs the rope and yells "pull me up!" the bullhead raises the rope and revenant was about to jump after them but a flame hits him and he falls to the ground before seeing a girl in a red dress stare at him with malice and revenants shadow fades and he slowly blacks out but not before seeing the girl in red run over to him and he speaks calmly "i always keep my promises" he slowly fades to sleep as he hears a woman "i know kaleb"


A man sits in a forest as he holds a woman in a white cloak his red cloths hiding her blood well as he tears up and the woman places a hand on his face and says in a low voice "keep her safe kaleb" the man nods and he smiles as he speaks "i always keep my promises" the woman smiles and laughs weakly before saying "i know" the woman's eyes close and the man cries as he stands and shadows form around him and he looks at the grimm in front of him before pulling a scythe out as yellow and orange electricity flow through it and his eyes turn yellow as he speaks sadistically "like lambs to a slaughter"


Revenant wakes to chains as he sits next to the girl he saved and he looks to the blond in the room who slams her riding crop on the table and saying something he didn't hear right as his audio receptors just turned back on but he didnt care he had to protect the girl and this blond witch was a threat so he spoke "threaten the girl again skin bag and ill rip your guts out and force feed you with them" the blond backed up in shock as the girl looked at revenant in fear before a man walks in and speaks to them and he looks at the girl "ruby rose" revenant zoned out for a minute as he heard a the angelic voice of the woman "our little rose" revenants looked at the man as he finished his sentence "you have silver eyes" the robot growled at the man making it clear about his intentions and the man nodded before speaking to the girl and revenant listened carefully taking in what he needed like how the girl he needed to protect was heading to beacon and his mind was thinking of how he would infiltrate the school before the blond took the girl out and the man in black and green looked at revenant "so you are the famous revenant" he sipped his mug and revenant spoke "so your not as stupid as the rest of your kind" the man nods with a smirk before showing footage of revenants killings beofre it shows him protecting the girl "you have killed over a hundred people with no mercy,no shame,no emotion. But you protected this girl without a second thought. Why?" Revenant looks at the girl in the video as it plays and then replays him jumping in front of her "I made a promise" the man nods "so you will protect her?" Revenant nods and the man smiles as he says "good then how would you feel about becoming the girl's guardian at my school?" revenant stares at the man and speaks "you know my answer flesh suit, but let's get one thing clear" the man nods as revenants leans to him and speaks with a dark tone "if you try to hurt her or double cross me i will not hesitate to butcher you alive and hang you skin on the wall of your school" the man nods and the chains on revenant release and the man holds a hand out to the robot and revenant responds with "no" the old man nods and speaks "i assume you know who i am" revenant nods and follows him out of the room as they speak "ozpin no last name, professor of beacon and a very wise old man almost as if he's older than everyone on remnant" ozpin smiles "you did your history" revenant scoffs "of course i did, need to know my potential targets" ozpin smiles as they walk off and towards a bullhead

Revenant sits in a room with no furniture and no windows as he looks at the ground as he hears the sweat voice again "never forget who you are kaleb" revenant closes his eyes and nods "i won't" he stands and walks out of the room as the voice speaks again "ghostly red like you and shiny silver like me" he chuckles as he walks to the bullheads landing and when he sees the girl in red the voice speaks again "she's destined for greatness kaleb" he nods as he speaks "i know" he walks to her and the girl sees him and she smiles "hi! Im-" revenant nods and speaks "ruby rose, i know" the girl with yellow hair speaks "what's this? Is my little sister making friends with a robot?" Revenant looks at the girl and tries to see the similarities but doesn't see any but he is interrupted by ruby as she speaks "sorry about yang! Oh! I never did get your name!" he nods "revenant" she giggles and revenant feels happy for a moment before she speaks "no your real name silly!" he smiles but realizes he can't but a chuckle escaped his mouth "you can call me...kaleb" ruby smiles before she walks off with him as yang runs off with her friends and the two talk before they trip over luggage and revenant growls before being helped up by ruby albeit more of him standing since the little girl could barely lift the heavy metal reaper and as they stand a girl in royal cloths runs over "you dolts!" she starts to berate the two as ruby is bewildered but revenant growls and the girl looks at him before yelling at ruby "and where did you get an atlesian knight!" this makes revenant snap as he speaks at the girl threateningly "listen close skin suit im not a knight! I'm a simulacrum! A human in a robot's body so get it right princess!" He walks off with ruby and they talk before a boy with blond hair runs up in a pant and ruby says "vomit boy!" revenant laughs and he doesn't listen to the two before ruby pouts at the boy and revenant looks at him "be careful with your words they just might be your last" the boy backs u and they walk in silence until they start to talk about weapons and ruby looks at revenant "what about you rev! What's your favorite?" he looks at her before making his hand into a point "this is my weapon and the only one i need" ruby snorts and laughs before he looks at her "what's so funny?" she laughs more until she wipes her eyes and says "at least tell me a weapon you use or really like!" he thinks for a moment until "well i used to have this scythe that i liked it was a true beauty to its was fit for my hands" he held his hand sout like he was holding it as he spoke "it made me feel like i could do anything" ruby smiles as she shows him hers and revenant looks at it in wonder "now that's a true weapon is i've ever seen one" the three continue there talk until they realize there lost and run off until they reach the auditorium and they listen to the headmasters speech unknown to all that a small drone watches form the window.

A woman in a hood speaks as she sharpens her katana "there you are kaleb"

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