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The door to the workshop opens and ruby enters to see ash and revenant on a bed together with ash on top of revenant as both of them sleep and she blushes before her attention is drawn to a picture on ashes workbench and ruby walks over to the bench to see a picture of a man with ginger hair and in atlas soldier fatigues with a arm over a an with blonde hair and blue eyes with both of the soldiers laughing as the words “home before christmas!” are written in the bottom left corner with xoxo next to it and ruby smiles before she hears a whirring noise and she turns to see ash standing and getting off revenant before she sees ruby “ruby . . .” ruby smiles and ash walks over to her “so what's going on with remnant?” ruby asks the hooded robot “he's in rest mode and i'm going to start his repair sequence so he can get better” ruby nods before she holds the photo to ash “who are these two?” As Ash looks at the picture she sees kaleb in it and her mind races “wait . . . That's kaleb! She can't remember her father? Well . . . we did die when she was young but . . . no, there's something else at work here . . .” ash picks the photo up and looks at it before chuckling “this is a picture kaleb sent me before christmas while he was deployed” ruby tilts her head “wait revenant was a soldier?” “yes he was . . .” ash starts before pausing as she walks over to a console and starts to press buttons making machines lower from the roof and begin to disassemble revenant and start to repair him before ash continues “he was a part of a special forces unit that was vital in the war” ruby listens with stars in her eyes as ash tells her revenants story “the man in the picture with him was his best friend and squad leader, his name was konnen blisk, he was who introduced me to kaleb in the first place” she says before looking at ruby who asks a question “really were you and blisk friends?” ash chuckles “not originally he was my boss after he hired me as his stealth operative when he founded the unit but he was the one who sent me and kaleb on missions so much that we just . . . heh clicked! you could say” “then if you were in the unit with them why did they send you the picture?” “Well I wasn't able to be with them because I was . . .” Ash pauses before walking over to a table and pulling a chair up and sitting while Ruby joins her and Ash sighs “I was pregnant” Ruby looks shocked and then excited “you're a mom!” ash chuckles and nods “I am . . . but recently my daughter and I lost contact . . .” ruby frowns “what happened?” Ash looks at her with pain in her eyes “there . . . was an accident and that was the reason i look like this and ever since i just don't have the heart to find her and tell her why i haven't been there for her” ruby nods and looks down “i had a mother but . . . she died and ever since my father looked after me . . .” “how did she die?” Ash asks “she was killed by  mercenaries. My father said that she was sent on a mission to arrest a group of mercenaries called the apex predators” ash's eyes widened and she thinks “kaleb is her father! And it wasn't blisk who killed us on that mission! Who the hell is her father?” she nods and then speaks “who is your father i might know him” “his name is Ti yang xiao long” and then ash nearly snaps at the sound of that name.


Kaleb swings his scythe down on a man with blond hair and a hammer in his hands before he jumps back and the two stare daggers at each other before kaleb growls at the man “stay the hell away from my family Ti . . .” the man with yellow hair growls “summer was mine! She was supposed to be with me, not you! You're just scum!” kaleb frowns and gets in a stance “she wanted to be loved! Not used as a slave!” “I bought her! She was mine! I was supposed to have a child!” kaleb spits at him in disgust “you disgust me!” then the two dash at each other and clash blades.


Ruby shakes ash in worry “ash! Are you okay!” Ash shakes her head and nods “yes i just had a glitch . . . im fine now” ruby sighs in relief before speaking “so do you know my dad?” ash stays quiet for a moment before speaking “no i don't but maybe kaleb will” she says and ruby nods before they hear a groan and see revenant stand up with a yawn and a stretch of his legs and arms before he sees ruby and ash and he chuckles “how are you two?” he asks and Ash nods at him while ruby smiles “do you know my dad!” Revenant walks over to her “what's his name?”  “ti yang xiao long!” As she finishes, Revenant slams his fist on the table there sitting at scaring ruby “unfortunately i do . . .” ash then grabs ruby's hand “ruby we know your father and we need to tell you who he was . . .”

4 hours later 

A ring is heard at the door of the xiao long household and qrow is seen on the couch with tu before the blond stands and goes to answer the door but as he opens the door “yes?” he says before he is me with death itself 

A ring is heard at the door of the xiao long household and qrow is seen on the couch with tu before the blond stands and goes to answer the door but as he opens the door “yes?” he says before he is me with death itself 

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                                                                                              “Hello ti . . . it's been a while huh?”

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29 ⏰

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