old lives

18 0 0

Ruby wakes up with a yawn and she looks around to see her team waking up and she hears a knock at the door and blake goes to open it and is met with ash “hello” the two say in unison to each other before ash hands blake a plate of cookies “revenant told me ruby may like these so i made them for her” she said in a serious tone with little emotion blake nods and takes the plate and closes the door and ash waits until she hears a squeal and she chuckles and walks off and as she reaches a corner a voice speaks “see what i mean?” she looks to see revenant and she nods “she feels like she belongs with me” revenant nods “do you have the dreams?” she looks at him “which ones?” He looks at her before she realizes “the girl…” he nods and they walk off together before they both feel a pain in their heads and they stop and hold their heads and scream.  


Kaleb and ash sit at a table with two shots of whisky in front of them and they talk “nice work with the guards” he says as he drinks and ash nods “you know we've been on so many missions together” ash says and kaleb looks at her “that i think it's only fair we share our names” kaleb smiles and he speaks “kaleb cross” ash smiles and lowers her hood showing her silver eyes and black and red hair “summer rose” she smiles and kaleb smirks before holding his glass out to her “a pleasure miss rose” he says in a mocking tone and summer chuckles “same to you mister edgelord” she says with a smirk and the two laugh together.


The two look at eachother and an oil tear falls down their eyes as they look at eachother and revenant holds his hand out to ash “so that's who we are” she grabs his hand and she speaks “ruby can't know” revenant looks at her in shock “what? She needs to know!” Ash shakes her head and speaks “no! If she realizes that her parents who died fighting Grimm survived the encounter and were robots that dont even know who they are or who she is all of a sudden remember her! How do you think she will take that! We forgot her! Our own daughter!” Revenant stops and sighs “what do we do then?” Ash thinks “we wait until the time is right, until then we act differently alright?” he nods and she continues “i will act like a cold scientist but treat ruby like my own blood while you stay the same” he nods and speaks “so what do we do about our past?” Ash thinks for a moment before speaking “let me handle that, we still don't know what happened to us before we became…” she stops before revenant says “these puppets?” she nods and continues “i will do some digging to learn more about us and besides we can't just walk up to ruby and say were her parents without remembering everything from our past” revenant nods and they were about to continue but ruby all of a sudden appears “are you two okay!” they look at her before ash speaks coldly “what do you mean ruby?” “we heard you two scream like you were in pain!” weiss then walks up “yes you two were quite loud” ash then waves her hand at them “it's fine just a glitch in our processor it happens” revenants nods “it's like a headache for us” he adds and ruby nods before hugging revenant “alright just let me know if it gets worse” she says and revenant nods before hugging back “its alright ruby i will make sure to fix the problem later in my lab” ash says and revenant nods “don't worry ash and i can take care of ourselves” he says and ruby nods before blake appears “its like your her parents” she adds and revenant and ash have a red tint appear on their faces and yang chuckles “looks like the big bad robots with no emotion can get flustered” she jokes and revenant growls “watch your tongue flesh bag” he says in a threatening tone and ruby gets between the two “rev please don't threaten my sister!” Ash thinks for a moment “sister? But Ruby was an only child? Right? Maybe my memories are still foggy” she ponders in her mind before revenant reluctantly nods. Before they could continue the bell rings and they realize they are late to class and the group runs to their class.

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