red reaper and revenant

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Revenant sits against the wall of the large room where he watches as ruby talks to several girls before walking over and sitting next to him and she grabs her sleeping bag and looks at revenant "goodnight kaleb" he nods "goodnight ruby" she drifts and revenant looks at her before he takes his head wrap off and puts it on her sleeping bag and she smiles before snoring and revenant hears the voice again "how do you do it?" he closes his eyes as he dreams


He walks into a bedroom and sees a girl with black hair with red points cry and he sighs before he sits next to the girl in the crib and he picks her up and he hugs her and soothes her "its alright daddys here" he smiles as he hugs his daughter "and daddy will never leave" the girl giggles before going back to sleep and the man walks off to his bedroom where he sees a woman with similar hair to the young girl on the bed with a smile "how do you do it?" he smiles and sits on the bed "its something called dad magic" the woman chuckles and so does kaleb as he lays down and the woman hugs him before they start to drift to sleep and the woman speaks "i love you kaleb"


Revenant wakes up to ruby holding his head wrap to him "sorry i think i grabbed this while i was asleep!" she said apologetically and he chuckled a she took it and put it on "it's alright ruby" she smiles and they walk off to the initiation trial area and when they get there ozpin explains the trials and ruby steps on a platform before revenant steps on the one next to her and he looks at her "don't worry" she looks at him "i won't be far" she nods and they blast off.

Revenant looks to see a clearing as he falls and he sees a pack of beowulfs and he chuckles before slowing his fall and landing on ones head crushing it and he sees the pack look at him standing on the misty remains of there comrade and they growl before he pulls out a pistol and he chuckles before speaking "get a good look it's the last face you'll see"

Ruby lands on the ground before looking at the group and then weiss on the nevermore as she yells "you left me!" she simply responds with "i said jump" the group looks to see juane catch her and then they hear a noise as pyrrha runs out of the trees and a deathstalker follows and as the group backs away yang speaks "good now we can all die together" the deathstalker was about to strike but a gun is fired and the group sees several bullets hit its eyes and it screams before revenant jumps over them and lands on its head before roaring as he thrusts his hand into its skull and then aiming a pistol at the deathstalkers tail and shooting the stinger off and he rips his hand out of its skull and before dumping what's left in the pistol into the things skull killing it and he calmly steps off of the corpse before shaking his hand cleaning the mist off of it and he reloads his gun before looking at the group "what's next?" The group heads to the clearing where the ruins lay and they were about to pick up their relics but the nevermore flew overhead and Ruby ran while yelling "I got this!" as ruby ran yang and revenant both yell "ruby no!" a deathstalker erupts from the ground and ruby stops only for a large feather to plant itself in her cape and pin her to the ground and she struggles as the deathstalker raises its stinger ready to finish her off and she starts to panic but a roar is heard and a shadow leaps over her and takes the stinger and explodes into mist and ruby sees revenants headwrap fall from the shadow and she screams "KALEB!"


Kaleb sits against a tree a branch protruding from his gut as a woman with black veins and white skin with black and red eyes staring at him holds his scythe "you were an admirable opponent kaleb cross" the man smiles as he spits blood at the woman and she growls before raising the scythe "but i'm afraid you wont cheat death this time" as she brings the blade down he explodes into black mist and she growls before shooting red lighting at it and a scream is heard and she smiles as it starts to fade away.

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