shadows and ash

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Revenant wakes up as the ship begins to shake and he gets ready as the bullhead lands and he hears voices and the back door opens and dock workers start to unload cargo and revenant sneaks by a few before he runs into a worker and before the worker could scream he is knocked out with a neck chop and revenant drags him behind a crate before taking his clothes and putting them on and he looks at his body covered with overhauls a black top and hoodie and he grabs the workers cap putting it on and raising the hood and he then walks off the bullhead holding a small crate and he maneuvers through the dock before he heads to a alley and removes the clothes and he makes his way through vale before he hears a voice “kaleb…” he turns and sees a drone fly over head and a voice comes out of the speaker “so you came…” he nods and the drone shoots a holographic map out “i'll be waiting…” The drone flies off and revenant runs off to the area on the map.

Ruby dashes around the school before being stopped by a man with a ushanka cap and green goggles and robotic legs with a skinny build as she ran into him “woah! You okay there senorita!” she rubs her head as she sees his hand and takes it “yeah i'm just looking for a friend!” the man nods as he helps her up “all good! I'm looking for someone to” ruby gets to look at him more and she sees a large set of armor on him and a big shield on his left arm “a guy called revenant” ruby's eyes beam as she speaks “really! Me too! I'm trying to find him! want to help!” the man chuckles as he nods “Si! Don't worry now, chica! You've got octane on your side now!” 

Revenant stands on a roof and he looks out to the large building and he thinks for a moment until he hears the woman's voice in his head “look for the ash” he looks at the horizon and sees a large column of ash and he runs to the column to see factories and he moves around the buildings until he sees a skull with ram horns on it painted onto a garage door and he feels like he's seen the symbol somewhere before. 


Kaleb sits on a chair in a room with a meeting table and a symbol of a skull with ram horns on it before a man in white combat armor with no sleeves and a knife on his shoulder walks in his ginger hair pointed and sharp and the fuzzy beard he had shows his age as a veteran and he throws a card on the table to each person in the room “listen up! We got our orders! Revenant and ash will go and take care of the witch in the woods!” Kaleb grabs his scythe as a woman grabs a katana and pulls her hood up and the man continues “viper you go with Richter and kane! Keep em’ in check” a man in a pilot helmet nods as he motions for a man with a mohawk and a man with a crazed look to follow him and they do so “sloane with me” a woman nods and the man walks to kaleb and the woman called ash “oi! K!” Kaleb looks at the man “yes blisk?” the man puts a hand on his shoulder “you stay safe out there mate” kaleb smiles “i'm an apex predator” the man smiles and they laugh together


Revenant comes back from the memories and sees he has his hand on the logo “apex predator” he whispers and he opens the garage to see a large mess of cables and he follows them until he arrives at a large screen and several monitors all displaying cameras around the surrounding area and he hears steps when he turns he sees the simulacrum from his mind and they stare at each other until revenant speaks “ash…you haven't changed a bit” ash chuckles and even though her mash doesn't move he knows she's smiling and she walks to him “so you remember my name” he nods and they look at each other “but what about my real name?” Revenant stays quiet and they look at each other more until she laughs “it's okay! i can't remember either” the two laugh and hug before leaning in and kissing or what they can which is press there face plates together “a shame we can't enjoy our bodies” revenant says “dont worry ill figure something out” ash says and they hug for a moment until they hear a noise and revenant turns to see a robot with cables on him as he falls and he stands before seeing revenant and the robot waves “hello! Are you my creator's lover?” Ash chuckles “kaleb meet pathfinder”

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