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— 9. Free

It had been a month since Thomas had kissed Katherine and since then, he hadn't seen the girl

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It had been a month since Thomas had kissed Katherine and since then, he hadn't seen the girl. It was as though she were avoiding him, much to his confusion.

Had he done something wrong? Did she not care for him as he cared for her?

He felt stupid. Stupid that he had ruined a perfectly good friendship because he had desired her.

It seemed like every time he had caught a glimpse of her at court, she made sure to leave before he could talk to her.

Finally, he had had enough.

That day he had found her alone in the library and walked in. He noticed how she prepared to leave, only for her to become confused when the guards stepped in front of the door, blocking it.

"What is the meaning of this?" Katherine complained and turned to Thomas, an angry look on her face.

Thomas walked closer to her, smiling slightly. "You've been avoiding me for a month. Instead of that, why not talk to me?" He argued and Katherine walked closer to him.

"I haven't been avoiding you," She replied and Thomas only gave her a knowing look, "Fine. I've been avoiding you. What of it? I have no obligation to you."

Thomas stood in place, a part of him offended by her words. He shouldn't have been. She had a point. They weren't married. The kiss was as though it never happened.

"But we had a moment," He brought up and Katherine shook her head.

"You may think we did but I do not, so if you would kindly let me leave, it would be appreciated," She forced herself to say, holding back the tears that threatened to spill from her eyes.

She didn't want to say those words but she had no choice.

Thomas forced himself to maintain composure. He didn't want to show her that he was hurt by her words. He felt stupid. He thought she cared about him. She did not.

He nodded and gestured for the guards to move away from the door.

With that, she stormed off, much to Thomas' disappointment.

Moments later, Katherine walked down the wing in the castle where her chambers were. She sighed, feeling bad for the way she treated Thomas. She had no choice, though. Her father made sure of that.

"I'm told you were just seen with the Lord of Bedford," A familiar voice spoke up and Katherine sighed, turning to see her father.

"He cornered me," Katherine complained, trying to hide her uneasiness, "The guards blocked the door. I had no choice but to speak with him."

"I don't care for your excuses," William argued in a venomous tone, "You were supposed to stay away from him. You've ruined your reputation enough and I will not allow you to marry him. I've spoken with the Duke of York. The boy king is unfit to rule. We are to side with Richard," He began to explain and Katherine rolled her eyes in annoyance, "I forbid you from speaking to my Lord Bedford any further--"

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