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— 5. Joan of Arc

  Having to travel to France with his brother, Somerset, Gloucester, and countless others for Henry's coronation there as the King of France, after the event occurred, Thomas stood with his brother, his uncles Humphrey and John, and the Duke of So...

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Having to travel to France with his brother, Somerset, Gloucester, and countless others for Henry's coronation there as the King of France, after the event occurred, Thomas stood with his brother, his uncles Humphrey and John, and the Duke of Somerset just outside the abbey.

His Uncle John had been the one they had left in charge of France for them, not that he was doing that good of a job.

"My gracious sovereign," A voice suddenly spoke up, causing Thomas to turn to see the Duke of Exeter walking over to Henry while holding a folded message in his hand, "As we rode from Calais with haste to your coronation, a message was delivered to me for Your Grace from the Dauphin of France."

Henry hesitantly took hold of the letter. He stared down at it blankly for a long moment before turning to Thomas. "Brother," He called out, gesturing for Thomas to read it instead.

Thomas smiled and nodded his head, grabbing ahold of the message before he began to read it. "To the King of England..." He trailed off, letting out a large scoff as he glanced around at the men, "It would seem the Dauphin forgets that our gracious sovereign is his as well as King of both England and France."

He sighed, just before looking back down at the message. "I have upon a special cause with great compassion of my country's wrath, led by Joan la Pucelle, taken back the town of Rouen, thrown out your men occupying there, and have been hailed by my people Charles, the rightful King of France," He read aloud before turning to the rest of the group with wide eyes, "This can't be!"

"Does France revolt?" Henry asked, looking as though he hadn't understood a word his brother had read.

Thomas sighed and turned to Henry, nodding his head. "Yes, brother, but I shall handle this in your name, I promise. I will make sure that France is not our foe for long."

Henry simply nodded, giving Thomas the allowance to do whatever he thought would stop the rebellion.

Thomas took a deep breath and sat down, turning to where Lord Talbot stood with Richard of York and the Earl of Warwick.

"Lord Talbot," Thomas called out and the man immediately stepped forward, prepared for any order the young man was about to give him, "You must go to the Dauphin and punish him for daring to rebel against us. I will give you men and anything else you may need. Does that sound good? Are you content with this order?"

"Yes, My Lord. Anything to put this rebellion to rest," He assured him and Thomas nodded in understanding.

"You shall gather strength from us assembled here," He informed the man and turned to look directly at Somerset, "Somerset. You have horsemen, do you not?"

"I have, my lord," Somerset responded and Thomas nodded once more.

"I have as well. Together, we shall assist Talbot in putting down this French rebellion," he informed Somerset, who nodded his head, "With full power, the three of us shall march against Charles' army and prove to him we are not one to make an enemy out of. We shall ensure that he never does it again."

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