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— 3. Edith


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   After being summoned by Richard of York, Thomas found himself standing alongside the son of York, the Earl of Warwick, the Duke of Somerset, and the Earl of Suffolk.

"My great uncle was Edmund Mortimer," Richard informed the group as he held out a large family tree that listed who he was descended from, "Married Philippa, sole daughter of Lionel, Duke of Clarence. Therefore, so if the issue of the elder sons succeeds the younger, I am King."

Hearing his cousins' words, Thomas lifted his head to look at the man, his eyes widening in shock. He quickly looked away, sighing as Richard continued.

"The truth appears so clearly on my side than any other could seek it out," He continued to explain, only to look annoyed when no one responded, "Since you are all so tongued tied and refused to speak of it, let us speak of it another way."

Richard walked forward, plucking a white rose off the bush in front of him before lifting it for all of them to see. "A white rose, with me."

  "This is treason that we speak of, cousin, but I shall let it pass, just this once," Thomas spoke up, walking over to a bush before he grabbed a red rose from it, "I pluck red from off this thorn. And anyone else who stands with me agrees that our King Henry is the one true king and always shall be, not this would-be usurper."

The Duke of Somerset walked over to Thomas, plucking a red rose as well. "My Lord Bedford is right. I choose to side with him and the House of Lancaster."

"I pluck this white rose with my lord," Suffolk spoke up as he lifted his white rose and stood beside Richard.

Salisbury stepped forward, plucking a red rose before he walked over to Somerset and Thomas, "I pluck this red rose and stand with my Lord Bedford and I must say it plain and clear that he is in the right and deep down, we all know it."

"The truth of this is so plain clear. My lord Bedford is not right in his claim," The Earl of Warwick, plucking a white rose before he stood with Richard.

"Well, well. It would seem we are tied, cousin," Thomas spoke up and turned, glancing around to see if another would step forward and take a side. His eyes locked on a familiar person and he smiled, "Edith, was it?" He suddenly called out, much to everyone's shock and surprise.

Richard Neville turned and frowned when he heard his daughter's name being called by Thomas. He turned, watching as Edith froze in place. She had been walking with her younger brother Richard when she heard Thomas' voice.

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