minsung [smut]

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Bratty kitty?

Top- han jisung

Bottom - lee know

[Reposting this cuz Wattpad is a b!-tch hope you guys remember me]

Han Jisung, sat in his office, his mind preoccupied with work. He couldn't help but feel a pang of annoyance when he received a text from his boyfriend, Lee Know, who seemed to be bored and horny "I swear to god!." Jisung said to himself.

Lee Know sends another photo of himself fully nude, standing in his darkened room, one arm cockily raised. With a text "Thought this might help you work faster, master."

Han Jisung, unable to control his arousal anymore, slammed his fist on the desk, causing papers to flutter. "Damn it, Lee Know!" He muttered under his breath, his voice shaky with lust. He stormed out of the office, his mind consumed by thoughts of punishing Lee Know for sending those pictures. He grabbed his car keys and slammed the door behind him, not realizing the intensity of his own arousal until he was alone in the car.

Jisung drove home in a state of agitated arousal, unable to shake the image of Lee Know's naked form from his mind. He unlocked the door to their home and stormed into their bedroom, determined to teach his boyfriend a lesson.

Lee Know smirked up at him, biting his lower lip playfully. "Well, master, you did tell me to make myself more interesting for you. I thought this might catch your attention." He purred, wriggling slightly under Jisung's glare.

Jisung growled, unable to control the wave of desire that washed over him. He stalked over to the bed and grabbed Lee Know by the hoodie, pulling him close. "You're going to regret sending those pictures."

"Mmm, I doubt that," Lee Know purred, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "After all, you're the one who can't seem to resist me." He bit his lower lip teasingly, arching an eyebrow challengingly.

Their interaction becomes increasingly charged, as both of their bodies are on a hair-trigger of desire "You know, Lee Know, you're pushing your luck." Jisung's voice was husky, barely a whisper.

"Mmm, I've always loved teasing my master." Lee Know purred, giggling as he nuzzled into Han Jisung's chest. His fingers slipped under the hoodie, tracing circles on Jisung's chest through the thin fabric.

Jisung groaned, feeling the heat from Lee Know's touch searing through him. He gripped the hoodie tighter, trying to maintain some semblance of control. "Lee Know," he warned, voice strained,

"this isn't helping." But even as he said it, he couldn't help but enjoy the feeling of Lee Know's warm breath on his neck as he whispered in his ear. "How can I help my master then?"

"No more teasing." Han Jisung growled, his voice raw with desire. Without further warning, he pinned Lee Know to the bed, his lips crashing down on Lee Know's in a rough, demanding kiss.

Jisung's kiss was hard and dominant, leaving no room for question or resistance. Lee Know moaned into the kiss, desperately trying to match Jisung's hunger. Their bodies tangled together in a passionate embrace; skin on skin.

As their kiss becomes more and more heated, Jisung's hand finds its way under Lee Know's hoodie, groping his exposed ass cheek, pulling him even closer He growls into the kiss, his voice rough and demanding.

In response, Lee Know arches his back, pushing himself even further into Han Jisung's touch. His hips grind against Han Jisung's hand, seeking more contact.

Han Jisung's hand continues to play with Lee Know's nipples, now pinching and pulling them roughly "You like that, don't you?" He whisper between the kiss.

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