hyunho [smut]

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Hi babiessss! [Remember me??]

Hwang Hyunjin x lee know[repost]

Lino is a bottom idgaf

Hwang hyunjin, the CEO of a large corporation, found himself in his office, scowling at the papers on his desk. His employees had messed up yet again, and he was at his wit's end. He needed a break from the stress of running the company. frustrated, deciding to take a break from the office drama. Heading down to one of his favorite clubs near his office, hoping for some much-needed distraction and entertainment...

As Hyunjin walked into the club, he could already feel his tension melting away. The pulsating beat of the music, the bright lights, and the lively atmosphere were just what he needed to escape from the mundane life of a CEO. He made his way to the bar, ordering a drink to calm his nerves. The strong taste of alcohol hit him instantly, making him feel even more relaxed. After a few sips, he felt ready to face whatever the night had in store for him.

The more Hyunjin drank, the more his eyes wandered around the club. Suddenly, he locked onto a boy dancing on the dance floor. The boy was small and cat-like, moving gracefully to the music. Hyunjin couldn't take his eyes off him. The boy's features were delicate, his lips plump and painted a deep shade of pink. His hair was short and messy, bouncing with each movement he made. Hyunjin couldn't help but admire the way the boy moved, so effortlessly and passionately.

Hyunjin finished his second glass of whiskey and stood up, feeling a bit tipsy. He made his way towards the dance floor where the boy was dancing. The music was loud, but he could still hear the soft thuds of the boy's feet against the floor.

Hyunjin started to dance a few feet away from the boy, his eyes never leaving him for a second. The closer he got, the more he could see the fine details of the boy's face. There was something about him that captivated Hyunjin.. 

The boy noticed Hyunjin staring at him and smirked. He moved closer, their bodies almost touching as they danced together. It was clear that the boy was enjoying the attention, his hips swaying in tune with the music...

Pushed past his boundaries, Hyunjin allowed himself to be pulled closer by the boy. The scent of alcohol and sweat filled his nostrils as he felt the warmth of the boy's body against his own. The boy was short and delicate, everything Hyunjin liked in a person. They were so close now that he could feel the heat emanating from the boy's body. Their hips moved in perfect sync, the music providing a sensual rhythm for their dance...

With more alcohol coursing through him, Hyunjin lost all inhibition. He pulled the boy closer, his hands trailing up the small of the boy's back. In a drunken haze, he managed to get them off the dance floor and into a secluded corner of the club. The corner they found themselves in was dark and secluded, providing them with some privacy from the rest of the club. Hyunjin pinned the boy against the wall, his hips grinding against him suggestively. His hands roamed up and down the boy's back, pulling him closer still... The boy gasped softly as Hyunjin's hips ground against him, his heart racing in response to the intense pleasure coursing through his body. He could feel the heat emanating from Hyunjin, and it only served to heighten his arousal as he whispered.. "what's your name?.."

"Lee Know," he whispered, their lips barely brushing as he spoke. Hyunjin's heart was racing, and he couldn't help but lean in closer. The smell of the boy's sweat mixed with his cologne was intoxicating. "I like that,"... Lee Know giggled, enjoying the way Hyunjin was lost in him. He leaned closer, his lips barely brushing Hyunjin's ear as he whispered, 

"What's your name Mr. Handsome?"

Hyunjin shivered at the boy's breath against his ear. "Hyunjin, Hwang Hyunjin" he replied, his voice barely above a whisper. He couldn't help but lean in closer, their bodies pressed tightly together. "Hyunjin," Lee Know repeated, his voice hitching slightly as he felt Hyunjin's hand on his wrist. He couldn't help but let out a soft gasp, his eyes fluttering closed for a moment.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21 ⏰

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