hyunlix bxg [smut]

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Idk what the fuck is this (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠) 

imagine felix as a gurl(cuz why not), I just wanted to try something new and it's actually good lol! And also it's my first time writing bxg smut, please don't kill me-

Hwang hyunjin x lee felix (fem)

Felix was cooking when she heard the shower turn off, signaling his husband Hwang Hyunjin was done cleaning up. She glanced over her shoulder and caught sight of Hyunjin stepping out of the bathroom, a towel wrapped around his waist..She tried to avoid it but her face turned red as Hyunjin approached the heat in her cheeks a clear indication of her nervousness. Despite their two months of marriage, she still felt shy around Hyunjin at times, especially when it came to expressing his love...

Felix's heart fluttered as she felt Hyunjin's strong arms wrap around her waist, pulling her closer. Her hands trembled slightly, but she managed to keep them on the stove, cooking their dinner...Hyunjin kissed the side of her neck softly, his warm breath causing goosebumps to rise on her skin. "What are you doing?" he whispered against her ear, his voice low and seductive...

"Oh, just cooking dinner," she replied, trying to sound nonchalant despite the racing of her heart. "You go ahead and relax, I've got it covered."..Hyunjin just smiled and purred, "But I want attention." He whined, causing Felix to giggle softly. "Stop whining," she teased him, continuing to stir the pot on the stove..

Hyunjin pouted and pressed his lips against the side of Felix's neck again, causing her to shiver with pleasure. He rubbed her stomach gently as he asked, "How much longer?" His voice was low and husky, sending chills down her spine...."Just a few minutes more," Felix replied, trying to focus on the food instead of the electricity sparking between them. Hyunjin's hands started to move upwards, reaching for her breasts making her whine..

"Hyunjin!" Felix admonished him playfully, holding his hand still. "We can't have you distracting me like that while I'm cooking." She gave him a teasing smirk, her eyes sparkling with mischief...

Hyunjin couldn't help but whine as Felix scolded him. He kept his touch gentle, pinching her nipples through the fabric of their clothes, causing a soft moan to escape Felix's lips. His other hand continued to rub her stomach sensually..

"Just let me do this, please?" Hyunjin pleaded, his eyes sparkling with anticipation. Felix sighed and relented, letting him continue to tease her. After a few minutes of torture, her cooking was finally done. She leaned into Hyunjin, her body pressed against his. She could feel his hardness pressing against her, and a shiver ran down her spine...

Hyunjin chuckled softly, turning Felix around and kissing her lips deeply. His body pressed against hers as they lost themselves in the moment. The kitchen suddenly felt much smaller as their passion took over...Felix wrapped her arms around Hyunjin and pulled him even closer to her. She opened her lips, inviting him to explore every single part of her mouth. Their tongues danced together, their breaths heavy as they continued to kiss passionately.

Hyunjin, lost in the heat of the moment, grabbed Felix's waist with one hand and started sliding it up under her top. His fingers traced along her soft tummy before reaching the fabric of her bra.

"you drive me wild, lixie" Hyunjin whispered against her lips as he broke the kiss, picking her up bridal style. He carried her to their bedroom and gently set her down on the bed. Felix giggled softly as Hyunjin carried her bridal style into their bedroom. Her heart raced with anticipation as he set her down on the bed and started to undress her. She helped him remove her top, revealing her lacy black bra beneath.

Hyunjin leaned in, his lips finding hers once more in a passionate kiss. His hands moved to the clasp of her bra, unfastening it slowly as he deepened the kiss. Felix moaned into his mouth, arching her back slightly to give him better access..

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