hyunho [smut]

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Best friends with benefits? (Repost)


Top: Hwang Hyunjin

Bottom: Lee Know

Hwang Hyunjin and Lee Know were sitting in their usual spot in the cafeteria, chatting casually with their friends. They had been best friends for as long as they could remember, sharing everything from secrets to food.

Lee Know glanced over at Hyunjin, noticing how his friend kept stealing bites of his lunch. A playful smirk crossed his face as he decided to tease him about it.

"Hey!" Lee Know protested, pushing against Hyunjin's shoulder gently. "That's my food you're stealing!" He grinned cheekily, knowing full well that their friends found their banter amusing.

Ha, watch me!" Hyunjin retorted, grabbing another fry from Lee Know's plate before quickly popping it into his mouth. He winked at Lee Know, their shared secret smile hinting at the hidden depths of their relationship.

As they continued to banter and tease each other, their friends exchanged knowing glances and chuckles around them. The tension between the two boys was palpable; it wasn't just friendly teasing but something more intense underlying their every action.

"So, what are your plans for after school?" Hyunjin asked, leaning back in his chair casually.

Lee Know shrugged nonchalantly, but there was a gleam in his eyes that betrayed his excitement. "Nothing much, just hanging out with you, I hope." He smirked, leaning forward slightly. "Or maybe we could head to your place and have some fun?"

A stern look crosses Hyunjin's face as he leans forward, his muscular arms folded across his broad chest. "Lee, I don't appreciate you teasing me like that and this is not the first time you are testing my patience today." He lowers his voice, his dominant presence making itself known.

"But you love it," Lee Know retorted, his voice low and seductive. "You know you do. And besides," he added, a mischievous grin spreading across his face, "I wouldn't dream of pushing my luck with someone as irresistible as you."

Hyunjin stands up, his frustration evident in his body language. "Fine. If that's what you want." He grabs Lee Know by the wrist and pulls him towards his house. "But don't think I'm okay with you teasing me like that."

As they arrived at Hyunjin's house, the air around them was thick with anticipation. Without warning, Hyunjin lost his patience and grabbed Lee Know, pushing him against the wall of his house. Without further hesitation, Hyunjin's lips crashed into Lee Know's in a rough but passionate kiss. He didn't think twice about it; he just acted on his desires. His tongue sought entrance into Lee Know's mouth, demanding submission and reciprocation.

As their kiss deepens, Lee Know moans softly into Hyunjin's mouth, his body responding to the rough treatment. "Mm, Hyunjin..." He whispers between kisses, his voice full of desire and longing. "You're so rough..."

Leaning into Lee Know, Hyunjin's hands roam over his body, pushing him against the wall. His lips move over Lee Know's neck, nipping and sucking lightly. "You like it rough, don't you? You're mine to play with don't forget that " Hyunjin growls against Lee Know's neck, his voice low and menacing. "I can make you scream if I want to."

Shivering lightly at Hyunjin's words, Lee Know's eyes flicker with a mix of fear and arousal. "Y-you wouldn't dare." He challenges Hyunjin, his voice barely above a whisper. "

Chuckling darkly, Hyunjin tightens his grip on Lee Know's wrists and drags him towards the bedroom. "Oh, but I think I will."As they enter the bedroom, Hyunjin tosses Lee Know onto the bed and pins him down playfully. "Now, I think it's time to have some fun." He whispers seductively, running his hands down Lee Know's chest...

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