hyunlix [smut]

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friends with what? (Repost)
Hwang hyunjin x Lee felix
(Help it was my first smut)

Hwang Hyunjin and Lee Felix are known as best friends in their group but in private there is something else between them, find themselves alone in a cozy hotel room after a long day of filming. As they relax on the plush bed, their eyes meet, and an unspoken desire ignites between them. The room was filled with the gentle hum of silence, punctuated only by the soft rustling of fabric as Hwang Hyunjin and Lee Felix shifted closer together. Their hearts raced in tandem, mirroring the intensity of emotions that danced in their eyes.hyunjin always wanted to feel how it will feel to touch someone as precious as his baby felix but he was scared what if he he made him uncomfortable.. but this time he managed to control his heart and tried to talk first.

As the tension continued to build, Hyunjin broke the silence. "Felix... can I ask you something?" His voice was low and raspy, filled with an undercurrent of desire.

Go ahead," Felix replied, his voice just as hoarse. He swallowed hard, unable to tear his gaze away from Hyunjin's.

Leaning closer, Hyunjin's heart thudded against his chest as he whispered "Do you... want this?" He traced his fingers lightly along Felix's jawline, his touch electrifying.

Lee Felix gasped as Hwang Hyunjin's fingers traced along his jawline, their touch sending waves of desire coursing through his body. "Yes," he whispered softly. "I want this." He always wanted to do this with hyunjin, but he was too shy to ask him in the first place.

Hwang Hyunjin's heart leapt with joy at Lee Felix's response. Taking a deep breath, he leaned in closer, their bodies almost touching. With trembling hands, he placed one on Felix's thigh and the other on his cheek.

As their breaths mingled, Hyunjin slowly slid his hand up Felix's thigh, gently cupping his arousal through the fabric of their clothes. Felix let out a soft moan, arching into the touch "umhh~"

With a mixture of trembling anticipation and raw desire, Lee Felix leaned in closer to Hwang Hyunjin, his lips barely brushing against Hyunjin's ear. "Make love to me," he whispered huskily.

With a shiver of delight, Hyunjin leaned forward and captured Felix's lips in a fiery kiss. His free hand slid up under Felix's shirt, tracing circles on his back as he deepened the kiss.

Hwang Hyunjin's hand slid up under Felix's shirt, tracing circles on his back, as their lips met in a searing kiss. His fingers slid over Felix's nipples, causing them to harden under his touch and felix moaned between the kiss "mmhh~"

Hyunjin continued to kiss Felix, his hand sliding up under his shirt to caress his back and shoulders. He slowly unbuttoned Felix's shirt, revealing his bare chest.

As the shirt fell open, Hyunjin's fingers danced over Felix's skin, tracing lines of desire. He pulled back slightly, his eyes meeting Felix's lust-filled gaze. "You're so beautiful," he breathed, his voice thick with desire.

Hyunjin moved in closer, trailing his fingers along Felix's chest. His erection pressed against Felix's leg, leaving no doubt of his desire. As he gazed into Felix's eyes, he slid his hand between them and slowly undid Felix's pants.. while Felix looked into his eyes with so much love and lust at the same time, 

Taking a deep breath, Hyunjin slid his fingers along the waistband of Felix's pants, finally pulling them down to reveal his well-formed ass. He leaned in closer, his lips brushing against Felix's ear. "Are you ready for me baby?"

Felix nodded eagerly, his heart racing in anticipation. "Yes, H-hyunnie," he whispered back, his body trembling with need. "I'm ready,just give it to me" 

Hyunjin reached for the lube, his fingers trembling as he slicked up his cock. He took a deep breath, unable to believe he was about to take Felix's virginity. When he was ready, he positioned himself at Felix's entrance and slowly pushed in maintaining eye contact with him and whispering soft praises "such a beautiful boy~ all mine" .

An erotic moan escapes from Felix as Hyunjin's cock begins to fill him, stretching his tight entrance. Hyunjin slowly pulls back, then plunges deeper, their skin slapping together in a rhythmic dance of passion. 

Felix arches his back, biting his lip as Hyunjin begins to push deeper into him "h-hyunnie..ahhh~s-so good~". He groans in pleasure "fuck you are so tight and warm.."  his hips automatically meeting Hyunjin's thrusts. His moans and gasps echo through the room, punctuated by the occasional scream.

Hyunjin's mind is lost in a haze of sensation as he plunges into Felix over and over again. His gasping breaths and grunts of pleasure fill the room, mingling with Felix's moans and cries of delight..

The pace of their hips quickens, their bodies moving in tandem. Hyunjin's thrusts grow deeper, hitting Felix's sweet spot with each stroke. Felix's nails dig into Hyunjin's shoulders, his moans getting louder and more desperate for release. "p-please h-hyunnie ohhh"...

Taking these new noises as encouragement, Hyunjin picked up his pace even more, his hips slamming against Felix's ass with a wet slap. His fingers dug into Felix's hips, holding him close as he drove deeper and harder into his lover. With a final thrust, Hyunjin buried himself to the hilt inside Felix, feeling him twitch and shudder around him. He growled out his pleasure, his hips starting to pound against Felix's ass in a primal rhythm. "Baby... I'm close..." 

moaning loudly, Felix's body shudders beneath Hyunjin's. "H-hyunnie, please! I-I'm close!" His voice is filled with need and desire, echoing through the room.

Hyunjin groans in pleasure as he feels Felix's tight walls contracting around him, signaling his impending climax. "I'm close, my love," Hyunjin pants, his hips rocking back and forth with increasing force.

Hyunjin picks up speed, his hips slamming against Felix's ass with a wet slap. He gasps out his pleasure as his release is building up in him. "Fuck baby... I-I'm coming!"

moaning in delight, Felix arches his back, meeting Hyunjin's thrusts with fervor. "H-hyunnie! Yes!"

Taking a moment to savor the feeling of being so close to his release, Hyunjin leaned down and captured Felix's lips in a passionate kiss.

In the heat of their passionate kiss, Hwang Hyunjin's body tenses, signaling his climax. With a final, powerful thrust, he empties himself into Felix, filling him with warmth and pleasure.

Felix moans out in ecstasy as he feels Hyunjin's warm seed filling him up. His body shivers with delight, his hips bucking up to meet Hyunjin's thrusts.

As Hyunjin's intense orgasm subsides, Felix feels himself reaching the peak of his own pleasure. His body trembles, and he cries out Hyunjin's name, his seed shooting out to mix with Hyunjin's inside him.

panting heavily, Hyunjin slowly pulled out of Felix, their flesh slipping apart with a wet sound. He collapsed on top of Felix, their sweaty bodies sticking together. "That was amazing," he whispered, kissing Felix's neck."

Hyunjin breathed heavily, his chest rising in tandem with his breath. "I love you so much baby" He whispered, his voice thick with emotion

Panting heavily, eyes still closed, Felix felt Hyunjin's weight on him. "Love you too, Hyunnie," he managed to say before drifting off into a post-orgasmic sleep, his heart still racing from the intense pleasure they've shared...

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