minbin [smut]

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Best friends? (Repost)

Changbin x Minho

Guess who's the bottom (chill it's not your mama :⁠^⁠)

Lee Minho and Changbin, best friends and inseparable since childhood, sit at the dinner table with their other friends. The atmosphere is light-hearted and enjoyable, but beneath the surface, there's an undeniable tension between them... It was too much for Minho he loved changbin and little did everyone in their group knew it..

As the night wears on, the alcohol flows freely, and laughter fills the air, Lee Minho can't help but notice how close Changbin is sitting. He admires his friend's muscular build, hidden beneath his shirt but still visible through the fabric...

"Hey, Minho," Changbin chuckles, trying to grab the bottle of soju from his friend's hand. "You've had enough for tonight." But Minho just pouts and takes another swig, pushing the bottle back towards Changbin...."Oh, come on," Changbin sighs, giving up on trying to stop his friend's inebriation. He takes a swig from the bottle himself, feeling the familiar burn of alcohol as it travels down his throat...

"Changbin, you're such a good friend," Minho slurs, wrapping his arms around Changbin's waist and pulling him close. His breath is hot against Changbin's ear as he continues to ramble about random things that make no sense.

Changbin can't help but chuckle at Minho's antics, watching as his friend starts mumbling incoherent words and slurring his speech. "You're such a lightweight," he teases, ruffling Minho's hair affectionately...

After few mins, Changbin sighs, his patience wearing thin as he watches Minho stumble around. "Alright, you're officially too drunk to be out here." He announces, grabbing Minho by the arm and leading him towards their shared apartment...

"Ugh, fine," Minho groans, trying to maintain his dignity despite being completely inebriated. As Changbin leads him towards their apartment, he can't help but let out a content sigh...Changbin groans in frustration as he realizes he'll have to carry Minho the rest of the way. With a sigh, he scoops up his friend and carries him bridal-style back to their apartment.

Finally inside their apartment, Changbin lays Minho down on the bed gently before pulling away to give him some space. However, just as he's about to stand up, Minho's hand shoots out and grabs his wrist. Changbin's heart skips a beat as he finds himself pulled closer to Minho, their faces mere inches apart. In the dim light of the room, he can't help but notice how beautiful his friend looks, with flushed cheeks and sleepy eyes. "Minho...

Minho's eyes flutter open slightly, his gaze drifting lazily over Changbin's features before locking onto his lips. "Mmm... don't go," he murmurs drunkenly, pulling Changbin down into a soft kiss. Changbin's breath hitches in his throat as their lips meet, his mind reeling from the suddenness of it all. He kisses Minho back, tentatively at first, testing the alcohol on his tongue...

As their kiss deepens, Changbin's hands find their way to Minho's waist, pulling him even closer. He can't deny the heat that pools in his stomach, but he knows Minho is drunk and shouldn't be doing this.

"Minho, you're drunk," Changbin whispers, his voice filled with concern as he pulls away from the kiss. He can't help but notice how adorable Minho looks when he's flushed and disheveled. Minho pouts, his bottom lip sticking out in a cute fashion. "But I want you," he whines, leaning into Changbin's touch. His eyes are half-lidded and glazed over with desire...

Changbin's heart races as Minho's words wash over him, making it difficult to resist the temptation any longer. He wants Minho just as much, if not more. "I know you do," he murmurs, his voice barely above a whisper.

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