hyunminsung [smut]

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Bottom Lee know> (repost)

Hwang hyunjin & han jisung X lee know

Lino is younger than jisung and hyunjin in this story idgaf

Han Jisung and Hwang Hyunjin had known Lee Know since their high school days. They'd always been close, bonding over comic books and video games. Even though they all went their separate ways after college, their friendship remained strong.

Whenever they found time in their busy schedules, they would reunite to catch up on old times. Today was one such occasion; they were watching a movie on Netflix together.

As the movie progressed, the usual laughter and commentary filled the room. Lee Know, always the most expressive among them, found himself growing increasingly flustered. His heart raced as he watched the on-screen intimacy, unbeknownst to his friends.

Feeling the heat rising within him, Lee Know excused himself from the cozy cocoon of his friends on the couch. He stood up, pretending to stretch, and made his way towards the kitchen.

As Lee Know tried to calm his mind with some water, he couldn't help but notice his reflection in the kitchen. His eyes widened slightly as he saw the clear outline of his arousal through his pants.

"What the fuck is wrong with you lino.." he said to himself..

Just as he was about to return to the living room, he heard footsteps approaching from behind. Suddenly, Han Jisung and Hwang Hyunjin stood beside him, their smirks growing wider by the second. "Everything alright, lino?"

Han Jisung and Hwang Hyunjin shared a glance, their smirks growing wider "It's nothing! Just feeling a bit warm, that's all....," Lee Know replied, his face turning redder by the second.

"Oh, really?" Han Jisung raised an eyebrow, his voice laced with amusement. "We didn't know watching a movie could make someone this warm." Hyunjin chuckled softly, stepping closer to Lee Know.

Feeling their intense gaze on him, Lee Know took an unconscious step back, his back hitting the cold, hard surface of the kitchen counter. His heart was pounding in his chest as he tried to control the blush spreading across his face. "I-I..."

Hwang Hyunjin took a step closer, his warm breath caressing Lee Know's ear. "Why don't you sit here, Kitty...? It looks more comfortable than standing," he murmured softly before stepping aside to reveal the barstool next to the kitchen counter...

Lee Know hesitated for a moment, his mind reeling from the unexpected situation. But the heat emanating from his friends was too much to resist, and before he knew it, he found himself perched on the stool with his back pressed against the cool surface of the counter.

Han Jisung leans in to whisper softly against Lee Know's ear "You know, watching a movie like this can be quite...stimulating." He traces the outline of his jaw with his other hand, his smirk softening into a predatory grin.

Lee Know gulps as he feels both aroused and intimidated by Han Jisung's bold advance. He tries to control his breathing, feeling the heat between his legs intensifying. "J-Jisung...s-stop..."

What's the plan, Jisung?" Hwang Hyunjin asked with a smirk. "Shall we take him to the bedroom and see how much more he warms up?""

A devilish grin spreads across Han Jisung's face "Sounds like an excellent idea, Hwang." He looks at Lee Know with a predatory gleam in his eyes, his grip on the smaller man tightening almost imperceptibly. "Come, kitty..."

Lee Know couldn't believe what was happening. As they carried him to the bedroom, he felt a mixture of excitement and fear coursing through his veins. His heart raced, and his cock throbbed against the fabric of his pants.

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