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it had been about a week now since they last saw eachother, and the festival was coming to end, but did that mean so did their relationship? they werent even dating dominic would remind himself remembering everything they had already just done with eachother. it was like a hopeless fling over two weeks that had quickly come to a halt.

ariana had a busy week she was supporting bea, and helping her friend nai, who had come to the festival a bit late, to record youtube videos and edit them. it had been really fun but when she lay down for bed one right she had remembered dom. she hadnt spoken to him in a while and she felt a minute sense of panic form in her chest. what if everything that had happened meant nothing? what if he was only being so nonchalant to get away from her and forget her? had she done something wrong? she was too busy with these negative thoughts she couldn't even comprehend the idea of texting him or gaininf contact.

so the days went on and the event shortened with time for them to see eachother again.

dominic had now gotten quite busy as he was requested to preform in some other places over hawaii and that took his mind off things, until it didnt. he couldn't stand not seeing her face he needed to know wether or not those moments meant anything.


"hey ari when will i see you again?"

he had sent the text hoping relentlessly for the best.

a couple hours later since the text had been delivered ari hopped onto her bed, after a long day of swimming and tanning. it was her final night in hawaii and she was relieved but also suprised to see a new message from dom.

dom 🤍

dom 🤍
"hey ari when will i see you again?"

"tonight is my last night you can
pick me up now if you would like"

"oh really? ill see you in 10"

dominic picked himself up off his couch and went to fix his hair in the mirror, a feeling of melancholy down his throat knowing this is the last night they will be on that island together. the last night they might even be in the same country together. he hadnt even been told where she was from, what if it was halfway across the world? but he knew one thing for sure, and that was he would do anything to keep her.

ari had been waiting outside for three minutes and she was starting to get cold, until she saw his truck round the corner of the hotel driveway and she quickly ran up to it and hopped inside.

"hey." he said trying to loosen the awkwardness in the air,

"hi." she said gaining those butterflies in her stomach as she had forgotten how cute he was,

"where are we going?" ari asked

"somewhere you'll like." he replied with pulling out of the driveway.

as they drove down the winding roads ariana attempted small talk but she couldnt keep it going for more than thirty seconds. they were both confused as to what happened, the last time they were together they were talking for ages and singing to cringy songs, but something was off.

𝐃𝐈𝐆𝐈𝐓𝐀𝐋 - dominic fikeWhere stories live. Discover now