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he went into his bathroom letting go of her waist, and the sound of water running in the shower filled the room. she quickly stripped off her lingerie, took a look in the mirror and made her way to the bathroom.

when she came in, dominics brown eyes shot to aris body and he couldnt take them off. her hourglass shape perfectly complimented her curvy legs and her beautiful figure, he was at a loss of words and just stared at her in the most admirable way possible wondering how he landed such an incredible woman.

she set foot in the shower and looked down to doms abs and began to trace her fingers up and down, once again. every few times she would go down his stomach she would get lower and lower until she reached his member. he pulled himself closer to her and had his hands cupped around the bottom of each of her butt cheeks  and was smirking at her. she placed her fingertips on the top of it and traced from the tip, down to the base and back up. his eyes looked down to where her fingers were and back up to her eyes. he smiled an attractive smile and he began to kiss her. he then let out small and quiet moans as she spat on her hand and put it around the whole member and started going up and down slowly getting faster and faster.

dominics moans sounded so good it made ari moan too and they were both extremely horny.

before ariana even tried to pleasure dom further, one of his hands was removed from her butt, and slithered between her legs up to her clit again. he didnt even tease her but swiftly entered his fingers and she couldnt even hold in the moans, they splurted out uncontrollably. her hand fell away from his member as he kept stuffing his fingers in faster and stronger by the minute, and the higher her moans the more fingers he entered. arianas head was spinning and she just couldnt take her eyes off doms.

eventually her eyes began to roll back and a large amount of cum leaked onto dominics hand and they both leant in closer to each other and let out big breaths. he brought his hand up to his mouth and licked it clean, then kneeled down and kissed all the surrounding of her clit and started flicking it with his tongue. the water from the shower going over his hair and down the front of his face was so hot. a pleasuring sensation stirred in her stomach and he put two of his fingers back in and kept quickly flicking his tongue and sucking. it wasnt long before a high and loud moan left her mouth and her body shook with another orgasm.

dom stood back up and ari held him by the back of neck and pulled herself as close as she could get to him and started kissing him continuously and harder after each kiss. he smiled at her reaction and closed his eyes knowing it was her way of saying thank you. and she started sucking on his neck returning the hickey favour.

"thank you." ariana said after she had succeeded with the bruise and he turned the water off.

dom laughed at her words and he buried his head into her neck, and she wrapped her arms around his neck. they stood there like that for a little bit feeling grateful for each other and dominic picked up arianas tired body and took her to his bed. they didn't bother getting into clothes, and they were dry enough, after all it wasn't like they hadn't just spent half an hour touching each others naked bodies. they were tired too. arianas head lay just beneath his collar bone and she was already knocked out. he pushed his body down into a sleeping position trying not to bother her too much with his movement and began to play with her hair.

"night beautiful." he said and pulled her sleepy body closer to him and held her the whole night.

@dominicfike posted a story - 3hr

@dominicfike posted a story - 3hr

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tagged - @arianagarcia_

viewed by 10.34k users
liked by @nicolassturniolo @radvxz
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@ilovedomfike - u guys suit each other so well 1sec ago

@radvxz - silly girl            
19 min ago


excited for you guys to read this part and i hope you actually liked itt hopefully it was okay, i didnt want to go too deep into detail with it as some people may find it weird but ya !! expect new parts soon and if we get to 50 votes i will write another spicy scene, if you would like. bye byeee 🤍

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