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making their way down to santa monica pier ariana could barely walk, but she tried her best to make an effort. dominic admitted to never had made time to come down to the pier ever since moving here from florida, which made ari absolutely DRAG him here, as it was such a fun place with so many memories for her.

first, they went on the pacific park rollercoaster, the line was surprisingly small, and they managed to get on pretty quick. the whole time ari couldn't stop giggling, and dom couldn't stop smiling at her. at one point there was a quick, but very small, drop and dom was slightly lifted out of his seat, and he screamed so loudly, and his pitch was so high. ari almost peed her pants out of laughter, and he felt so embarrassed. it wasnt even that scary of a coaster but being with each other made it so, very, fun.

secondly, they went to try out the carnival games, and try to win a stuffed toy of sorts. ariana was so good at almost all the of the games, and doms ability was miserable. in the end she ended up having to win a stuffed toy for dominic as he couldnt even get more than 2 points per game. they laughed so much that their abs starting hurting, and the sky began to turn a mix of oranges, yellows and a slight pink.

and lastly, in honour of the stunning los angeles sunset, they made their way over to the pacific wheel. their carriage went all the way up to the top and stopped at the perfect time for the perfect view. dominic and ari were sitting side by side and he hand his arm behind her back with his hand lightly holding onto her waist. she pulled out her phone and took a photo of the beautiful view, and after she had taken it she felt doms cold fingers touch on her chin and pull her lips closer to his.

they stared into eachothers eyes for a few seconds before their lips made contact, and it slowly became more passionate. the wheel starting moving again bringing them closer to the bottom of the wheel. she pulled away when it began to move closer to where everyone could see them and she giggled, making dom smile.

arianagarcia_ posted a story - 18hr

arianagarcia_ posted a story - 18hr

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liked by @dominicfike, @naileadevora, and 7.1k


hey readers, just wanted to thank you guys for reading the most recent parts sorry for being offline i have been a little busy BUT im trying to keep active. hopefully you enjoyed this and the next few to come!! also doms release of "14 minutes" on youtube was so random but all the songs sound really good he is so talented (and beautiful) soooo ya, excited for what he does next !! hes such a cutie anyways thanks again guys 🤍

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