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ariana woke up to dominics brown eyes adoringly look down at her

"hi" she said awkwardly,

"be my girlfriend." dom said abruptly "please ari," he continued, "i want you more than anything, and i want you all to myself most of all."

aris head nodded noticing she never thought about what they were and she always assumed they were somewhat dating after she flew home,

"ariana garcia." he stated

"yesss.." she said tilting her head

"will you be my girlfriend." he asked as straight forward as possible,

"hmm let me think about that.." she said leading him on,

"i would love to." she stated watching as a huge smile spread across dominics face.

he grabbed her by the cheeks and kissed her all over her face, and she couldn't stop laughing.

"i also have another question." he said letting go of her and getting what seemed very serious at this moment,

"yes?" she asked curiously, sitting up straight,

"i am going on tour next week over europe a couple countries, but not too many, and i was really hoping that you would come with me?" he asked raising his tone a pitch at the end supplying her with a question.

"i mean you don't have to but-"

"yes." she said, cutting him off, "i would really love to go with you." these words made another, yet, even bigger smile spread across his face and he buried himself under the covers and started kissing her all over her body as a thank you.

she couldn't stop giggling. not only because his kisses were ticklish, but also because she was so happy she found him, and she was so excited to spend more and more time with him. and she just officially became his girlfriend.

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