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the smell of burning toast woke ari up. a smile spread across her face, remembering who she had spent the night with, but then her mind came to focus on the smell and she hurriedly got up and walked over to her kitchen, and there he was, fanning the smoke from the toaster and blowing at it heavily trying to stop the smell and smoke from spreading to the fire alarm. he picked up a towel in panic and managed to make it stop, but he heard a snickering coming from behind him.

he turned his head to see ariana walking over to him with a cute smile on her face,

"hi" he said smiling wide enough his dimples became visible,

"sorry i tried to make toast but i forgot about the heat and it burnt a little." he said innocently

"its okay," she said going over to him and his hands snaked around her waist as she traced her fingertips down the bottom of his abs, up to his neck and wrapped her hands around it, "ill help you."

he nodded and softly laid his lips on her neck "yes please," he mumbled into her neck slowly making his way down and kissing harder each time.

forgetting about the toast, he kept his head below her collar bone kissing continuously and they stumbled back to her bedroom and shut the door. he lay her on the bed and pulled up the shirt she was wearing, revealing her body. he made his way down from her chest to her belly button and stopped at the lining of her boxers.

he began flicking the lining of them with his fingertips and looked up at her grinning. he slowly pulled them down and began kissing down until he reached between her thighs.

he spread her legs and began to kiss from the bottom of one of her thighs up to the meeting of the top of her legs and started to pleasure ari, all she could see was his curls between her legs, but it wasn't too long before dom was pleasuring her so well she couldn't focus on a single thing.

𝐃𝐈𝐆𝐈𝐓𝐀𝐋 - dominic fikeWhere stories live. Discover now