Chapter 1

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Welcome to chapter 1! Happy reading 🩵

Tia's POV:

"Yes ma, I know." I groan as my mother continues to tell me all the possible ways I could die by riding a motorcycle. I recently moved and decided I wanted to try something new, so what did I do? I bought a bike.

Nothing too fast, just a Ninja 400, a pretty basic bike it's matte black, and beautiful. "You need to be careful- and go slow!" My mom continues to talk my ears off.

"I have gear ma, and I've taken lessons! I'll be fine. I have to go, I'll call you when I get back to my apartment ok? I love you, later. " She says a few more complaints before I hang up the phone.

I huff, placing my phone on my quadlock, locking it in place, swinging my leg over my bike. "Ok, let's go." I start my bike, slowly pulling out the parking lot heading to my apartment.

. . .

"Freaking heck!" I yell, stalling for the 5th time. Atleast I was close to my apartment. I turn at the light, pulling into the parking lot. I quickly turn my bike off, kicking my kickstand down.

"Ok. First day back on, not so bad." I took lessons before I moved, then I decided to take a break while I got situated with all this moving stuff.

I twist the key into my door, slowly pushing it open. The apartment was covered by my job, and I must say they did not disappoint. It has beautiful marble flooring, and the view? Perfect.

I'm a travel nurse. Which basically means I'm a hospital hoe. I get bounced around from hospital to hospital, but I'll be here for a while. I signed a 3 year contract with this hospital, so looks like they're stuck with me.

My apartment is unpacked for the most part, I moved in 3 days ago. Today was the day my bike arrived though. My phone dings, and I check my notifications.

Big boss man: can you come in tonight to watch a patient? You've been requested.

My mind told me to say no, but my bank account told me to say yes.

Me: I'll be there in about an hour.

I drop on my couch for a moment, trying to figure out if I should continue to be a nurse, or just be a stripper. They make good money right? I could totally do that.

I stand, having enough delusional time for one day, quickly taking a shower before throwing on my uniform. I thought about riding my motorcycle to work, but thought again it. Car it is.

. . .

"Name." The lady at the front desk says, not sounding happy at all. I always say, if you don't like your job, quit. Don't give me sass.

"Tia Roberts." I answer with a smile on my face, hoping to lighten up her mood.

"I don't see a Tia Roberts. Are you Tiana Roberts?" Is she serious-

"Yes, sorry Tia is short for Tiana I guess I should've said that in the begi-"

"You're in room 305. It's a private floor." She cuts me off, handing me my access pass, along with my name tag.

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