Chapter 4

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"Relax boy, I'm not going to break. Give me a hug." My mother assures me, pulling me in. She's been moving around good lately, today should be her last day. Tia just left with her last report, if everything comes back clear she's good to go.

I pull away, looking down at her. "You shouldn't be moving around that much. You're just getting back on your feet." This woman doesn't listen and she is definitely where I got my stubbornness from.

The door open, revealing Dr. McQueen or whatever the fuck his name is followed by Tia. That same signature smile sits on her face, her hair pulled up in a bun yet her curls still hang beautifully.

"Everything is all good! You're clearly to go home. I hope your stay was comfortable Mrs. Wright." He says, clasping his hands together.

"It was thanks to that lovely young lady behind you." She motions to Tia. Tia gives a little wave, before her eyes return to Dr. Whatever.

"Ah yes, Tia is very special to the hospital. She's only been here a short while but does very good work." He places his hand on her shoulder and she visibly looks uncomfortable for a moment.

She tries to hide it, but it was too late. I had already saw the look in her eyes. It was the same look she gave me when her hand slipped and touched mine in the elevator.

What's going on with you shortcake?

"Well if that's all, Tia has some papers for you to sign, after that you're all clear." He lifts his hand from Tia's shoulder and she steps up handing my mom the clipboard.

"You'll come and visit right?- actually don't! I don't want to see you here. I mean- because it's a hospital and you being here would mean you would be hurt so-"

my mom laughs, putting the clipboard to her side and pulling Tia in for a hug. I watch her, and the look in her eyes doesn't reappear. Noted. "Thank you for everything sweet pea." She gives her one last squeeze before letting go.

"Of course, I'm glad I had the pleasure of looking after you." She says with a smile.

"Well, if that's all once you get those papers signed you're free to go. Mr. Wright, may I speak with you outside?" Dr.whatever ask.

"Sure." I grumble, stepping beside Tia and out the room. I turn to him, and the friendly face he once had was no longer clear.

He stares at me for a moment before my annoyance takes over. "Are you going to talk or just stare? Sorry to break it to you but you aren't my type." His face shifts.

"I want to apologize if I overstepped, I just wanted to insure your mom had a good stay." What a load of bullshit.

My mom had been here 2 weeks prior to Tia showing up and he never showed his face. Not once.

"Right". The hint of sarcasm behind my words is clear. "Is that all?" I continue, I honestly wasn't interested in what he had to say.

"Yes Mr. Wright, that is all. Please tell Tia to meet me in my office." Not. I nod, opening the door back to the room.

"I can't take that Mrs. Wright! That's too much." Tia shoves an envelope back in my mom's hands.

"Consider it a bonus! I want to give you something to show my appreciation." She shoves it back. Tia raises her hands, refusing. I don't even think they've realized I've returned.

I cross my arms, leaning against the door watching the chaos unfold. Tia takes a step back, tripping over an imaginary option and my body reacts before my mind.

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