Chapter 6

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"It took you a while to get home last night, care to explain?" Zach says with a knowing look on his face.

"No. Fuck off." I grumble, unlocking my phone. I look at my contacts, searching for one in particular. My finger lands next to Tia's number. She texted me last night once I put my number in her phone.

"Who are we texting?" Xavier says from over my shoulder. "Is that tiny?!" I move my phone, shoving him away from me.

"Her goddamn name is Tia."

"But she's tiny." He argues. "Whatever. Look. We have to meet Nathan. He's got the shipment coming in tonight. I tried to tell you yesterday- but you weren't here."

I nod, "what time is he coming?"

"Five, he wants to meet somewhere local. A coffee shop on the corner. He'll drop off the goods, and we'll be on our way."

"Sounds simple enough." Zach adds in. "But, why a coffee shop?"

"It's Nathan. You know he's weird." Savannah says, appearing out of nowhere. "Now. I'll hack the cameras of the shop just to make sure nothing is going on before we leave."

"Thank you Sav." I say, opening my phone once again. I click on Tia's name, looking at the keyboard. What do I say? When the fuck do I just randomly text people? Fuck. I click my phone off, standing.

"I'm going for a ride. I'll meet you guys at the shop later." I huff, grabbing my gear before heading outside.

I start my bike, giving it a minute to warm up while I adjust my gloves.
I slowly pull off, giving my bike a little rev. Just clearing my head.

                              . . .

I turn my bike off, looking at the apartment complex in front of me. Why am I here? I walk towards the building, knocking on the door. The door swings open, and my eyes land on her.

"Xander? Hi!" She beams. I freeze for a moment, unsure of my next move. "Xander?"

I clear my throat, "Hi." You show up to her fucking house and all you say is hi?

"Did you want to come in?" She offers. I nod, and she steps aside. "So, not that I'm complaining- but um why are you here?"

Because my body brought me here.
"I was out riding, and I thought maybe you'd want to join me?" She looks surprised for a moment before nodding.

"Are you actually inviting me out with you?" I nod and she quite literally jumps for joy before stepping towards me. She wraps her arms around my torso and I freeze.

Her touch warms my body and her scent fills my nose. And God she smelt amazing.

"Thank you- Oh I'm sorry." Realizing what she was doing she pulls away. "I'm a hugger, sometimes. But I totally understand if you don't hug."

"It's alright. I'm just not very experienced. With hugs." I admit. Why the hell did I say that?

"Well, as your friend I'll help you work on that. But for now, I'm going to get dressed. You can stay there- I mean, you can sit if you want to or get something to drink or-"

"Go get dressed Tia, I'm fine." I cut off her rant. She could seriously talk about anything, and everything. She nods, disappearing into her room.

She returns a minute later, dressed in a leather jacket, along with riding pants and boots. "Ready!" She exclaims. "I'm sorry if I took too long-"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10 ⏰

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