Chapter 2

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Xander's pov:

"She's cute." Xavier and Zach continue to talk about the nurse- Tia, as her and my mom continue their walk.

"That she is. The body on that girl though, nothing is cute or little about it." He waves his hand as if trying to draw her curves.

"Will you two shut up?" I snap, having heard enough of their nonsense.

"Oh don't play Mr. Nonchalant here Xander, you were watching the poor girl eat like a fucking stalker!" Zach snickers out.

He was right. When Tia ate- the sounds she made caught my attention. She was completely oblivious to the short moans that slipped past her mouth as she ate. But me? I heard every fucking one.

"And she rides? That surprises me." Xavier adds. "I can't imagine her in gear- or on a damn bike."

"Me either." Zach chimes in. They continue talking as I stand.

"Let's go. It's almost 12. We have a meet at 2. I need you two to gas up the bikes."

"Why us?!" They fuss in sync.

"Because I said so. Let's go." I open the door, met by my mom and Tia returning. I help my mom to the bed, before stepping back out.

"You two go, Tia can I speak with you for a moment?"

"Of course."

I wait til the two idiots are off the floor, before speaking.

"I want to- apologize. For earlier. The whole- do your job thing." I say honestly. I'm a dick. I know. But I do apologize sometimes.

"It's ok, if it was my mom in this situation- I'd probably do the same." She says, smiling. She could make me do things just by flashing that little smile of hers.

What am I saying? "Well." I clear my throat, "I'm heading off." She nods.

"I'm heading down too, wanna walk together?"

"We're going in the same direction shortcake, it only makes sense to walk together."

"Right. That's smart." She says, crossing her arms and falling in stride beside me. "You're really tall."

"6'4 and a half." I say proudly. I've always been on the taller side. I mean, my father is a giant.

"Wow." Is all she says as we reach the elevator. We both reach for the button at the same time, and my hand brushes against hers.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to." She quickly says, pulling away as if she was scared of my reaction.

"It's alright. No big deal." The remaining time in the elevator is tense. We reach the main floor and she shoots off the elevator. "Tia-" by the time I got her name out, she was already halfway to the front desk.

I take calm steps toward the desk, noticing her shift in mood as she talked to the lady sitting down.

"Ms. Denise I really didn't know I-"

"You didn't know not to let a patient out of her room? And not only that, you had no right making that woman walk with you!" The lady at the desk raises her voice at Tia, and she looks visibly defeated.

"She asked to go for a walk. I- I assumed it would be ok-"

"That women's family is paying this hospital a fortune! Would you like to call Mr. Wright and explain why his wife left her bed? Huh?!"

I approach the two, standing behind Tia. "I wouldn't mind calling my father, and I'm sure he wouldn't mind his wife getting some fucking fresh air." I stare at the women behind the desk, and she quickly fixes her expression.

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