Chapter 3

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" I'm getting the hang of this." I rev my bike lightly after reaching a red light. I've been riding around town for a few hours, and honestly? I could basically be a racer by now.

The light turns green, and I proceed through it. A little bit further down the road, a group a bikers zoom past me. It was a bit dark, so I couldn't really see. It was roughly 10-20 people. And they were going really fast.

I notice blue and red lights behind me and the sirens get louder as the cop car get closer. "Pull over!" One yells using their intercom. What? I turn to make sure they were indeed talking to me. And they were.

I sigh, signaling that I was turning. I pull into a nearby parking lot, "turn off the bike." I do as instructed. "Now get off."  I swing my leg over, dismounting my bike before kicking my kickstand down.

"Did I do something officer?" I slide my visor up, so I could hear him better.

"Don't play dumb with me. You and your buddies all took off like a bunch of fucking lunatics." He says, getting out his car, approaching me.

He must be talking about the group that just zoomed past me. "But sir-"

"License and registration." He says, not giving me a chance to stand up for myself. I go to my bike, reaching in my bag for my wallet. Handing him the registration, I decide to try again.

"Sir- I wasn't with the group that rode by. You see, I- I'm riding by myself."

"Sure you are. You call your buddies and tell them when I catch them they'll be getting a ticket too." He hands me my id and registration along with a ticket.

"Sir this isn't right- I really don't know them!" I plead. Looking at the ticket, it reads $500. What the heck?! I'll need my stripper job seriously now.

"Well if you find them, give them your ticket." He says sarcastically before getting back in his car and pulling off.

"You've got to be kidding me." I groan, getting back on my bike and heading home. Just my freaking luck.

. . .

"And then! He's all like tell your friends I'll give them a ticket too!" I continue to mock the cop, telling Mrs. Wright the story of what had happened last night.

She paged me a while ago, saying she just wanted someone to talk to. "So, he gave you a ticket?" She gasps, sitting up in her bed.

"Yes!" I exclaim. I pull the ticket from my wallet showing it to her. $500 freaking dollars! Excuse my language."

She takes the ticket, and her eyes go wide. "Wow, do you have any clue who they are?"

I shake my head. "No ma'am. It all happened so fast! Like zoom- and then boom. Ticket." She laughs at my demonstration.

"So, you'll be paying it?"

"I mean I guess? I don't really have much of a choice. I've been thinking about being a stripper as a side hustle!" I blurt out, I did not mean that.

"A stripper, you?" She gives a questionable look.

"I could totally be a stripper."

"What?" A voice speaks, I turn to the door, seeing Xander, and Xavier standing there looking at me and their mother.

"You know- a stripper the ones that dance on poles and-"

"I'm aware what a stripper is Tia, why are you talking about being a stripper?" Xander questions, stepping further into the room.

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