Chapter 5

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"Well I did say come visit, but this isn't what I meant." I look at Mrs. Wright who's sitting in a hospital bed.

She had been checked in earlier this morning, and apparently she hadn't been taking her meds. "I know, don't lecture me I'm sure my sons will do that plenty"

On cue, the door swings open. Revealing Xander, as well as Xavier and  Asher. "Mom. Tell me this is a fucking joke?"

"Language boy. And I only missed 1 day."

"Three. You missed 3 days mom. You could've died had dad not been there to bring you here." Xander snaps.

"I'm sorry." She whispers. "But I'm here ok! It won't happen again. Plus I have my favorite nurse to watch over me as well." She motions to me. Xander turns to me, his face softens slightly before looking back at his mom.

"You need to be more responsible mom." Xavier adds on. I've never seen him be serious, but it was clear they deeply cared for their mom.

"Indeed you do." Asher chimes in.

"Ok, I understand you're all upset, but she does need to rest. We've already got her IV hooked up so she's getting everything she needs. She'll be up and at em by this time tomorrow." I kindly shoo them out the room so she can rest.

"Nice to see you again tiny." Xavier says, smiling.

"Where did this tiny nickname come from?" Asher questions, crossing his arms.

"Look at her." He hovers his hand over my head showing how short I was and I swat at his hand.

"Quit it. I'm average height." I argue.

"Tiny." He says and tries to cover it up with a cough. Xander stands nonchalantly on the wall, paying us no mind.

"You should come riding with us again sometime Tia. We can do what we talked about when I took you home." Asher suggest.


"This is it," I say, turning off my bike once we reach the apartment complex.Asher nods, flipping his visor up.

"You should test out the track one day, it'll help you out with those turns. Best way to learn."

"I don't really have anyone to go with, but thanks for the idea." I get off my bike, waving.

"If you come riding with us again, I could take you." He offers. I look back at him once more.

"I don't think Xander would invite me again."

"I'm inviting you Tia. Xander isn't the only one who can invite friends." Friends. did he consider me a friend?

"Then I'd like to go. Goodnight Asher."


End of flashback

"Right. I'll have to check my schedule." I smile, and Xander pushes off the wall.

"You two go check on mom before we go." He says, looking at me.

"Be quiet though, she might be sleeping." I remind them.

"Right. See you tiny." Xavier says, Asher gives a little wave before entering the room. I look down at my clipboard before I glance up.

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