We are not friends

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Finn takes Nick and Chloe to the sneaker store at the mall. Nick had just joined the school's basketball team and Finn wanted to take this opportunity to hangout with his only son. "So how is school going?" He asks him.

"It's great! Wait, no, no it's not." Finn raises an eyebrow in confusion. "Why? What's wrong?"

"There's this girl, her name is Wendi. She's really cute, but she just started school. I think she's like 11. Anyways, we've been talking for a bit and turns out that she's a big fan of you and she got upset that I joined the basketball team instead of the football team."

"Your school has a football team?"

"Yes, and I told her I don't like football, so now she hates me...and she wants your autograph." They keep walking when they bump into her. "Oh, I'm sorry, I'm so clum-" He stops when he realizes it was Quinn. "Um, Nick, take Chloe inside, please." The boy shrugs and takes the baby inside.

"Oh my god, Finn, how are you? I haven't seen you in forever. I heard you came back to Lima, I always knew you'd come back. Missed your hometown?" She says as she strokes a finger all over his forearm. "Your kids are gorgeous, looks like they took after their dad not that troll you married."

"If I did not have my kids with me, I would push right past you. First off, do not talk about my wife Rachel like that ever again. It's not high school anymore, Quinn. Secondly, do not put your hands on me ever again. My kids are gorgeous because they took after their mother."

"Oh, come on, Finn. Why do you have to be so critical all the time?" Quinn says with a laughing scoff. "What are you even doing, Quinn? I thought that you gave up this fantasy that I'd  be coming back for you 14 years ago during sophomore year. You know as well as everyone in this town. I never wanted to come back to you after you tried to kill my daughter."

"Finn, I-I didn't..."

"Save it, Fabray. You may have lied your way out of getting into trouble from Will and Figgins, but you didn't trick me. I haven't wanted you since I was 16 years old, and I certainly don't want you now. I have a wife and three kids. From what I understand you have two daughters yourself. So just get over yourself. You've taken enough from me."


"That whore! How dare she do that in front of my children? It hasn't even been six months and she's already with her stupid innuendo that you came back for her, ugh!" Rachel rants as she gets ready for the football game in which Gabby is going to cheer at. 

That bitch

If Santana were here, I would ask her to go all lima heights on her ass

I think she already did

I guess, that's why they're not friends anymore

"Don't worry, she's never going to get between you and me, she's stupid and delusional." He says as he hugs her from the back. "You just need to calm down a bit." She instantly melts into his arms. Every time he hugged her, she felt some feeling inside her stomach, her mind went to a happy place. There was no doubt that they were meant for each other...and she felt that.



Are you alive?-Beth

I'm so sorry about what happened last night, it was a mistake-Beth

I just got taken away!-Beth

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