Love is in the air...and it's not even spring yet

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Spencer leaned against his locker, the cool metal barely registering against his clammy palms. His eyes darted to the clock above the hallway—only three hours until his date with Nicky. He could feel the flutter of butterflies in his stomach, a nervous energy that made his foot tap an erratic rhythm on the linoleum floor.

"Hey, Spence! You ready for your big date?" called out Jaxon, striding over with a grin that was too knowing.

Spencer straightened up, schooling his features into a mask of nonchalance. "Yeah, of course," he replied, the words a little too quick, a little too bright. "It's just Nicky, you know? We've hung out loads of times."

Jaxon chuckled, nudging him with an elbow. "Sure, but not like this. This is a date, man. That's a whole different ball game."

Spencer shrugged, the gesture a little too casual. "It's no big deal," he said, but the slight quiver in his voice betrayed him.

The bell rang, and the halls filled with the cacophony of students. Spencer's friends clapped him on the back, offering teasing encouragements and wry smiles. He laughed along, the sound hollow in his own ears, and as they walked to class, he let their chatter wash over him.

Inside, though, his thoughts were a whirlwind. He was excited, yes, but the nerves were there, coiling tight in his chest. He wanted everything to be perfect, for Nicky to see him as confident and cool, not the bundle of anxious energy he felt like.

But as he sat in class, pretending to take notes while his pen doodled aimless shapes on the paper, Spencer made a silent promise to himself. He would be brave, he would be himself, and no matter what, he would enjoy every moment of the night to come.

Nicky's room was awash with the golden hues of late afternoon sunlight, casting long shadows across her neatly made bed. She stood in front of her open closet, her fingers trailing over the fabrics of her clothes as she contemplated the perfect outfit for the evening. Every now and then, she'd glance at her reflection in the mirror, her eyes shining with a mix of anticipation and delight.

She had been looking forward to this date with Spencer ever since he awkwardly asked her out, the memory bringing a smile to her lips. It wasn't just any hangout; it was a date, and the thought sent a thrill through her.

Her phone buzzed with a message from her best friend, asking if she was nervous. Nicky typed back with a flurry of emojis, "Excited more than anything! 😊🌟 Can't wait to see what he's planned."

As she finally settled on a soft blue dress that made her feel like herself, she practiced her greeting in the mirror. "Hey Spencer," she said, her voice steady but her heart racing just a bit faster. She wanted the night to be special, to be a step forward in whatever this budding thing between them was.

Nicky added a few touches of makeup, not too much, just enough to accentuate her features. She was ready, or as ready as one could be for the unknown possibilities of a first date. With one last look in the mirror, she grabbed her purse, took a deep breath, and headed out the door, her steps light with the buoyancy of new beginnings.

But let's not get ahead of ourselves. They're not the only ones with big plans. 

The gymnasium was transformed, draped in streamers and twinkling lights that cast a soft glow over the faces of the high schoolers. Beth stood near the punch bowl, her eyes scanning the dance floor. She wasn't much for dancing, but she loved the energy of these events—the laughter, the music, the sense of shared youth.

Chris had been watching her from across the room, his hands shoved into the pockets of his slacks. He wasn't the type to get nervous, but asking Beth out was different. She was different. Taking a deep breath, he made his way through the crowd, each step firm with resolve.

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